Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

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Table 1. Command structure in guide (forest in the example can either be classified as a lumped category, or the two observations 
can be separately classified, making it possible to include several forest types in one rule). 
command Followed by Example - Boolean logic Example - fuzzy logic 
WHENIMG  - category "map" =3 4 soil =3 4 soil 
< category "map" >0 300 DEM >040 300500 DEM 
> category “map” <30 20 slope <5030 3020 slope 
@ category TO category “map” @ 10TO 40 20 TO30LAI (2010 TO 4050 1020TO 3040 LAI 
+ row nr TO row nr +0TO 150 100 TO 250 +00 TO 150300 50 100 TO 250 300 
* column nr TO column nr * 100 TO 500 400 TO 600 * 50 100 TO 500 600 200 400 TO 600 700 
SAVEIMG  # category “category name” # 5 forest # S forest 
3,2 Classification parameterisation 
All classifications were based on the same set of training 
data. Procedural rules were used for initial rule structuring in 
both methods. Performance of the methods were then 
iterativley improved by manual changes in rule structures. 
The maximum likelihood classification was based solely on 
four TM bands from the April image (3, 4, 5 and 7). 
Initial guide rules were derived from a set of training data 
including four bands in the April image (3, 4, 5 and 7), the 
first component of a principal component analysis from 12 
bands of the two TM scenes (excluding band 1, and holding 
78 % of the variation from the other 12), one image of LAI 
(Leaf Area Index) from the June image, LAI difference (i.e. 
growth) between June and April, and wetness from the April 
image (cf. McCarthy, 1996). The latter images were used 
because of their physical interpretability. The result of the 
initial classification was tested against the training data and 
visually inspected. Wetlands turned out to be the most 
problematic category to classify. Thus the DEM was used to 
produce an image of updrain feeding areas to each cell 
(Desmet and Govers, 1994). Wetlands were then divided in 
ombrogenic raised bogs (with no or low updrain feeding 
areas) and topogenic fens (with membership increasing with 
updrain feeding area). Problems also occurred both between 
different vegetation classes and between vegetated and non- 
vegetated classes (i.e. urban areas). Thus the rules for growth 
(LAI-difference) were altered to be higher for farmland and 
deciduous trees and lower for urban areas, grassland and 
coniferous trees respectively. 
The expert classifier gave the best result, with a highest 
kappa index of 0.7521 (table 2). This classification was 
based on the automatically extracted training data from the 
first PCA component, the LAI difference and bands 5 and 7 
from the April scene. Excluding the two raw bands gave 
almost the same classification accuracy (0.7506), as did also 
inclusion of all images. Just using the four April TM bands 
gave a kappa index 0.74. Manual changes in rule structure in 
general did not improve classification accuracy. The best 
result for the maximum likelihood classification using the 
four TM bands was a kappa index 0.71 (table 3). The result 
of the expert system classification is also shown in 
simplified form in fig. 2. 
Table 2 Error matrix for the expert classification (rows) against ground truth (columns) (kappa index = 0.75) 
Water Wetland Coniferous Deciduous Grassland Crops Bare fields Urban Total 
Water 4484 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 4494 
Wetland 0 55 116 51 0 0 0 0 222 
Coniferous 0 38 3642 23 0 9 0 0 3712 
Deciduous 0 112 431 421 9 3 6 130 1112 
Grass land 0 3 20 6 438 269 3 1 740 
Crops 0 4 0 20 113 574 15 78 804 
Bare field 0 2 0 1 28 2 172 5 210 
Urban 0 15 13 107 148 762 10 1058 2113 
Total 4484 239 4222 589 629 1619 206 1257 13407 
Table 3 Error matrix for the maximum likelihood classification (rows) against ground truth (columns) (kappa index = 0.71) 
Water Wetland Coniferous Deciduous Grassland Crops Bare fields Urban Total 
Water 4484 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 4484 
Wetland 0 78 309 100 0 0 0 8 465 
Coniferous 0 0 3690 0 0 0 0 0 3362 
Deciduous 0 25 129 308 2 0 0 24 458 
Grass land 0 0 0 11 564 432 0 2 1009 
Crops 0 0 0 24 85 661 39 41 822 
Bare field 0 0 0 2 24 0 148 50 224 
Urban 0 123 93 144 33 18 19 1132 1532 
Total 4484 239 4222 589 629 1619 206 1257 13407 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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