Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

Table (1): Soil characterictics of the main Landform units In a 
E!-Hasana region cl 
Terran Ol 
Companent Wadies Sioping Land Plains S 
Lendiord Narrow Wide Steep Mod. Steep | Gent. Steep Sandy gravely rocky m 
ymbold hi 
Soll Attributes FW1 FW2 FO1 FO2 FO3 DPV1 DPV2 DPO1 tc 
Slope Gradiant 8 -15 258 30 - 60 15 - 30 255 0-2 0^2 2-5 St 
(%) (R)* (G) (T) (S) (G) (F) (F) (F) di 
Soil depth 50 - 100 | 100 - 150 30 - 50 30 - 50 50 - 100 150 150 30 - 50 re 
(cm) (M) (D) (S) (S) (M) (D) (0) (D) he 
Structure Single Grain Massive Single Grain | Single Grain | Single Grain Anglar Anglar Single Grain cl 
(N) (M) (N) (N) (N) (R) (R) (N) M 
Texture Sandy S/Sandy loam Sandy Sandy Sandy Sandy Sandy Sandy fi 
(S) (S/LS) (S) (S) (S) (S) (S) (S) t 
Gravels 5 -15 2-5 15 - 40 40 - 80 15 - 40 2 -15 15 - 40 15 - 40 | 
(%) (C) (F) (M) (A) (M) (C) (M) (M) p 
Salinity (ECe) 4-8 « 4 8 - 16 8 - 16 <4 <4 4 -8 > 32 m 
(mmohs/cm) (M) (L) (H) (H) (L) (L) (L) (S) Ci 
Lime content » 40 » 40 » 40 » 40 » 40 10 - 40 » 40 10 - 40 re 
(36) (H) (H) (H) (H) (H) (H) (H) (H) PI 
Drainage Well Well excessivily Well Well Well excessivily excessivily Ce 
(W) (W) (E) (W) (W) (W) (E) (E) TI 
deep deep deep deep M. deep deep deep deep dl 
W | th 
eue bie ep (D) (D) (0) (0) (M) (D) (D) (0) fl 
* FAO (1990) 2 
Table (2: Statistics of Soil spectral reflectances and 
the area of each soil class in the studied Sites 
Site | Class Landform Soil Spectral mean vatues Area 
No. | No. sub unit Units | Band 2 | Band 3 | Band4| Band7 | * Km 2 | acres 
1 Playa PL 118.40 | 176.50 | 136.50 | 124.50 1.94 2.42 605.0 
2 Wadi Terraces WT 95.10 146.50 | 117.80 | 119.70 7.03 8.75 2187.5 
1 3 Gravely plain GP 104.10 | 156.80 | 122.40 | 113.50 28.01 34.86 8715.0 
4 Flood plain FP 94.60 143.00 | 112.70 | 106.30 25.44 31.66 7915.0 
5 Wadi bed WB 87.50 131.90 | 103.90 | 97.50 15.60 19.40 4850.0 
6 Mixed & follow land ML 77.80 116.00 | 91.20 84.00 6.04 7.50 1875.0 
1 Wadi Terraces WT 103.91 169.63 | 134.80 | 126.87 6.27 16.20 4050.0 
2 Gravely plain GP 104.50 | 157.50 | 123.70 | 114.20 31.99 79.00 1975.0 
2 3 Flood plain FP 94.30 143.30 | 114.30 | 108.00 20.69 51.00 12750.0 
4 Wadi bed wa 74.45 113.45 | 103.20 95.05 19.22 47.40 11850.0 
5 Mixed land ML 80.01 121.20 | 98.10 89.60 2.06 5.00 1250.0 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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