Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

30 - 50 
Single Grain 
15 - 40 
> 32 
10 - 40 
and hence, the soil were 
classified as Typic Gypsiorthids 
or Typic Calciorthids. 
4. Soils of the wadi bottom: are 
moderately deep, fine sand to silty , 
highly calcareous , moderately 
to slightly saline, no gravels in the 
surface. Theannual erosion and 
deposition processes in this soil 
reduces the chance of diagnostic 
horizon formation. The soils were 
classified as Typic Torriflarent. 
5. Mixed soils; are fallow or ploughed 
field which are located mainly in 
the flood plain or the outwash 
plain. The presence of organic 
materials or moisture content or 
cultivation are main factors affect soil 
6. Playas; are flat, deep, saline, highly 
calcareous, and fine to medium texture. 
This soil class is distingwished only in 
area 1, where the wadi is much more 
flatter and wider than that of area 
2. Typic Torrifluvents and locally Salic 
Torriorthents were the main 
this region. 
Taxonomic units in 
A i E * 
xe ijbk 1 MM 
Landsat TM data (bands 2, 4, 7) of Talaat 
El-Badan area 
Fig. (2) - False Colour Composite image of 
5. Conclusion 
Physiographic map shows the soil con- 
sociations in El-Hasana region, Central Si-. 
nai, was produced baseds upon Landsat TM 
data. The visual interpretation of FCC im- 
age, 1:100,000, reveals that the main land- 
form units in the study area are Wadies, 
plains, sloping lands and hilly areas. Two 
sites in the main wadis are subjected to 
unsupervised digital image classification. 
This technique inables to discriminate be- 
tween the soils of wadi bottom, flood 
plain, wadi Terrace, gravely plains and 
playa. The total area for each soil type 
could be determined. 
6. References 
Abdel Hady, M.; Abdel Samei, A.; El Shazely, 
M. and Labib, T. 1980 - Geology, 
Soils, Drainage maps of Sinai 
Peninsula - Remote Sensing Centre, 
Desert Institute 1981 - Agricultural and 
Water Investigations of Sinai, 
Part lll, Soils, Final Report, DRC, 
Matariya, Cairo. 
FAO 1990 - Guidlines for Soil Profile 
Description. - FAO, Rome. 
GARPAD/REGWA 1981 - Reconnaissance 
soil survey of north Sinai. GARPAD, 
Hammad, M. 1986 - Sinai, technical report, 
- Land Master Plan Project, Cairo. 
JICA 1989 - North Sinai Integrated Rural 
Development, The Master plan Study, 
- Japan International Cooperation 
Agency, Cairo. 
NARSS 1994 - Soils Maps of Sinai 
Peninsula Using Landsat TM Data, 
NARSS, Cairo. 
Said, R. 1990 - The Geology of Egypt - 
Balkema, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 
Sneh, A. 1982 - Drainage System of 
Quaternary in Northern Sinai with 
emphasis on Wadi ElArish... Z. 
Geomorph. 26; 179-185. 
USDA 1984 - Procedures for collecting soil 
samples and methods of analysis for 
soil survey. - SCS, Report *1, USA. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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