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separated in the files. An advantage of operating in a GIS is
that polygon attributes are good sources as reference data
and the training samples can easily be located by the
polygon identification numbers. The processing of the data
one theme at a time allows the use of the parallelepiped
classifier, which is the simplest algorithm.
Upon completion of the pre-pixel supervised
classification, the multi-layered output is analyzed polygon-
by-polygon, one layer at a time. The polygons are selected
for assessment either interactively by pointing on them
with the cursor on the screen, or in batch processing mode
by selecting them through the polygon identification codes.
A pixel count is then initiated in each polygon to determine
the number of the pixels in a particular polygon that are
labeled as belonging to the various classes. At this point a
decision has to be made on the final class assignment of the
polygon being assessed, assisted by the discipline specific
expertise of the analyst, and on ancillary information
available in the data base.
Various alternatives could now arise. For example, if the
percentage of pixels belonging to a particular class is above
a preset threshold, then the entire polygon area is declared
as belonging to this class. This means that this area
remained unchanged or the change occurred according to
expectation. If the polygon contains pixels of more than
one class in significant percentages, then it is declared as a
dual or multiclass area. The proportion of the class
distribution can be adjusted to the known area of the
polygon as a constraint. Polygons with multiclass pixels,
none of which add up to a minimum threshold level, or with
a significant number of unclassified pixels, are flagged for
further examination. Further data base query may resolve the
issue or on-site inspection may be necessary.
In the second analysis method of the raster data, the per-
pixel image classification is by-passed entirely, and only
image statistics are generated polygon-by-polygon. Mean,
standard deviation, median and mode are likely candidates.
A comparison of these statistics, one theme at a time, with
those obtained for the training samples, forms the basis of
the class assignment of each polygon. Various alternatives
can again emerge and the final decision requires project
specific expertise. This method is a one step operation.
The polygon specific classification scheme was tested on
monitoring the growth of forest plantations using Landsat
Thematic Mapper (TM) imagery. The 367 km? study area
contained plantations of two coniferous species labeled as
PL1 and PL2. There were a total of 225 plantation plots
ranging in size from 400 ha to 16,000 ha. Planting was
done between 1977 and 1993. The objective was to check
whether the development of the individual plantation stands
followed the expectation. Stands that diverged from the
normal development curve beyond a certain tolerance were
flagged for further examination. The biophysical basis of
this monitoring is the assumption that the percentage of
crown closure of the trees is a valid indicator of the
development of the plantation [Honer, 1972; Danson,
1984], and that the spectral reflectance received by the TM
Sensor is a function of the crown closure [Gemmell, 1995;
Leckie et al., 1992; Spanner et al, 1990; Stenback and
Congalton, 1990]. The study area is located in north-central
New Brunswick.
The Landsat TM image was recorded in November 1994. It
was cloud free and of good quality. The boundaries of the
plantation stands were shown on a 1:50,000 scale
plantation map, and were manually digitized. A database
was then set up in the GIS, where each plantation polygon
was assigned an identification number and the year of
planting was recorded as an attribute.
Geometric registration was handled in a novel way. The
objective of this project was a polygon specific monitoring
of plantation development. Thus it was sufficient to have an
accurate geometric registration of the raster image and the
vector polygon layers in relative sense, and registration to a
map grid in an absolute sense, with the help of ground
control points, was not necessary. Therefore, the polygon
network was transformed to fit the image. This was a much
faster and simpler operation then the geometric and
radiometric transformation of the whole multiband image
file, and was easily accomplished in the GIS [Derenyi,
Training samples were selected with the help of the
polygon overlay. The TM image was displayed on the
screen with the plantation boundaries superimposed, and
groups of representative pixels were delineated for each
theme within designated polygons. The polygons selected
for training in each plantation age group were from among
those where the normal expected tree growth was confirmed.
The PL1 plantation species consisted of seven age groups,
planted in the years: 1977, 1978, 1979, 1981, 1987, 1990,
and 1993. The PL2 species were planted in the following
six: years: :1977,-1978,: 1979,:1980, 1981, .and 1992. The
image statistics generated for each age class were: the
minimum and maximum digital numbers (DN), the mean
value, standard deviation, median and the mode. TM spectral
bands 3, 4 and 5 were only used in the analysis.
The next step in the per-pixel image classification
method was to create the thirteen theme layers by
parallelepiped classification, performed one theme at a time.
The decision region was set at three standard deviation.
"Thereafter, the percentages of correctly classified pixels
were computed in each polygon. Correctly classified meant
that the pixel in question had been placed in the growth
class which corresponded to the plantation year of that
polygon. In other words, the classification of this pixel
agreed with the apriori expectation. Such was the case for
example, if a pixel, located in the polygon with attribute
PL1-77 (species PL1 planted in 1977), also resided in the
PL1-77 information class (theme) layer.
The mechanics of the assessment was handled as follows:
All polygons belonging to the same plantation year were
retrieved one-by-one through a database query. Each vector
polygon was converted into a raster object and overlaid on
the corresponding information class layer obtained through
the image classification. The degree of agreement of the two
layers was measured by a pixel a count
The results of the assessment were grouped into four
categories according to the following percentage ranges of
agreement with the apriori expectation:
0-30%, labeled Very Low (VL), signaled major problems.
The majority of the threes were probably lost, severely
retarded in growth or perhaps there was an error in the
database entry.
31-50%, labeled Low (L), indicated unsatisfactory
development of the plantation. The stand may be under
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996