Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

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Dr. Ákos DETREKÓI, Dr. Gábor MÉLYKÜTI, Gyórgy SZABÓ 
Department of Photogrammetry, Technical University of Budapest, Hungary 
Commission IV, Working Group 4 
KEY WORDS: Geomatics, Land_Use, Updating, Database, DEM/DTM, Quality 
The increasing importance of complex telecommunication systems take into focus the efficient spectrum management 
techniques. In the past the conventional radio and broadcast systems have been planed based on empirical wave 
propagation models. The limited radio frequency spectrum and upcoming digital services set considerably higher 
requirements in wave propagation models. 
In the period from 1990 until 1993 the Hungarian Digital Terrain Model (DTM-50) and Land Cover Database was 
The paper discussed the possibilities of revision, updating and quality control of the database in a complex digital 
photogrammetric environment. 
1. Historical background 
At the end of the last decade based on the available data 
sources and relatively poor east-European technical 
background a robust technology was developed to stand 
up the Hungarian Digital Terrain Model (DTM-50) and 
Land Cover Database. The key words was the following: 
time effectiveness, limited cost, limited technical 
background, limited technical expertise, robust 
technology, homogenous global accuracy. 
In the period from 1990 until 1993 the Hungarian Digital 
Terrain Model (DTM-50) and Land Cover Database was 
realized. The Frequency Management Institute of Hungary 
(FGI) cooperation with the Military Mapping Agency 
(MHTATI), Department of Photogrammetry TU Budapest 
and Geomatik Ltd. realized the integrated GIS based DTM 
and Land Cover Database of Hungary. 
After the initial data capturing the next step was the 
integration of the digital database to the different 
application systems. 
The technology "GIS" gives an unique possibility to solve 
complex tasks. In the telecommunication the GIS 
systems managed the land surface dates and the 
different technical dates connected to it in solving wave 
propagation problems of government tasks and 
engineering planning. Land surface data types can be 
modeled by complex structures. The tasks of 
telecommunication need the reflection properties of the 
surface besides the height data of the land. The reflection 
properties of surface is determined by the land covering. 
The height and covering of the surface give enough 
information together to solve the telecommunication 
tasks. An user environment to solving government 
controlling or planning tasks can build up on an 
information system, which is using these data together. 
Up to now the following areas applied the DTM and Land 
Cover Database: 
- Government frequency management 
- Point-point microwave planing 
- Microwave broadcasting 
- Radar planing optimization 
- Flying object visibility simulation 
1.1. The countrywide DTM-50 database. 
One main element of the information system is the 
countrywide elevation database of Hungary, DTM-50*50 
m^. it is a raster structuring database, of density 50 and 
contains about 40 million grid points. The grid net is 
parallel with the axes of Unified National Mapping System 
(EOTR). The DTM-50 system was derived from 1:50.000 
scale topographical maps. MHTATI made the data 
collection, using scanner techniques. The height values 
was derived from the digitized contour lines, computing in 
the intersection points of the grid net. The derived height 
values were filling into the database across more 
controlling phase. The requirements of accuracy were 
changing by the character of land surface. The 
topographical map sheets were classified into categories, 
based on the represented relief. 
1.2. The Land cover Database 
The natural and artificial terrain object's height and 
character determine the reflection of land surface. In this 
project 14 different covering type were determined. There 
were point, line and surface type elements among them. 
The determination of the different elements were made by 
topographical maps, aerophotos and field control. 
The different covering types: singular object (chimney, 
antenna, tower, ect), river, road, electrical aerial line, 
bridges, meadow, low vegetation, water surface, low- 
medium-high vegetation, low-medium-high buildings. 
The covering information stored in two different database 
structure. One is the vector and the other is raster. The 
vector covering database is include the point and line 
elements coded with symbol key, according to their 
position on the map, area elements with their borderlines. 
The raster covering database - in keeping with the 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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