Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

geographic area and high speed access to 
The most important characteristic of this 
process is the possibility to obtain serial 
information disposable by thematic mapping 
without special programs for its elaboration. 
After having enough information about 
traffic register, the program brings up-to-date 
in the municipal data basis that encloses 
georeference information: name of the city, 
total accidents by statistic numbers , total of 
fleet and conductors, IPVA amount of taxes, 
mainly crossroads involving traffic accidents. 
b) To obtain information from digital 
checking municipal sections, main streets 
and parkways from urbane area, federal 
highways and highways of the state for the 
exactly location of the researched area and 
its georeference. 
c) utilization of pictures designed by the 
computer machine and its georeference using 
scanner from small images form, to help in 
the identification of the geolocalization 
d) To obtain pictures of small format from 
CIRETRANS, traditional method was used 
and then scannerized by a HP 4c scanner 
planning and  conversing digital maps 
reversing the parts of municipal areas, 
counties boundaires, federal highways and 
the highways of the state. (Fig.3). 
Reversing of digital map of Curitiba, with 
entire design of the city: blocks, suburbs 
sections, municipal schools, mainly streets 
traffic accident areas, signal post and further 
information given by IPPUC. (Fig. 4). 
Development of new routines of working in 
order to obtain accuracy in DBASE III, to be 
used by Arcview 1.0 (ESRI,92). 
To take into consideration that the project is 
nowadays developed by | DETRAN 
through its technical coordinator(COTEC), 
the reversing to Arcview took place in a 
local social institution of the state called 
IPARDES with the valuable contribution in 
the reverse of the digital maps in CAD 
format into Arcview 1.0 format (ESRI, 92), 
employing for this project the software 
Arcinfo 7.4 (ESRL92) and the procedure of 
the Dbase III (Ashton Tate,89). 
This project will increase information 
already filled in DETRAN about statistics 
process that are available collected in 
specific formal documents in the past. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996

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