Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

and to control topographic maps made from the high resolution 
panoramic photographs. LANYARD (KH-6) was a single long 
focal length panoramic camera to provide better ground 
resolution. ARGON and LANYARD were only marginally 
successful. Parameters of the cameras are listed in Table 1. 
System Operational Cameras Focal Length Format Resolution 
KH-1 Aug 60 1 24 in. 2.2x30in. 40 ft. 
KH-2 Dec 60-Jul 61 1 24in. .22x30in. 30 ft. 
KH-3  Aug61-Dec61 1 24 in. 22x30in. 25f. 
KH-4  Feb62-Dec63 2 24 in. 22x30in 254. 
KH-4A Aug 63-Oct69 2 24in. .22x30in, Sf 
KH-4B Sep 62-May 72 2 24 in. 22 x30.in.... 6.ft. 
KH-5  May62-Ju64 1 3 in. 
KH-6  Jul63-Aug63 1 66 in. 
45x4.5in. 460 ft. 
d.Sx 25in.-vr2ft 
Essential contributions of the CORONA program were the 
development of thin base estar film and the technique of 
recovering film capsules from space. All photography from the 
CORONA spacecraft has been declassified and is being digitized 
primarily as a means of preservation. It is now being made 
available in both hard copy and digital formats through the EROS 
Data Center of the U.S. Geological Survey. The published 
history of the CORONA Program (3) is fascinating reading, not 
only for the vicissitudes of development but also for the 
interpretation techniques which are described. 
Information about the Soviet counterpart to the CORONA 
program has recently become available. The ZENIT spacecraft 
employed the same return capsule as the Soyuz manned program. 
Instead of cosmonauts the capsule contained cameras. In Zenit-2 
there were three film cameras with 1 meter focal length and 30 
x 30 cm format. The three cameras were arranged to look 
relations, and providing the crucial information for negotiating 
Strategic Arms Limitation Treaties. 
Political sensitivity could not forever keep the benefits of space 
systems from the civil scientific community. In 1967, the 
National Academy of Sciences in the U.S. conducted a Summer 
Study on "Useful Applications of Earth-Oriented Satellites"(4). 
Panels on Forestry-Agriculture-Geography, Geology, and 
Hydrology defined the parameters of a system which was 
eventually realized in the Landsat program, with the first of five 
spacecraft launched in 1972. 
A Geodesy-Cartography panel defined film camera systems to 
produce standard topographic mapping at scales as large as 
1:25,000. Unfortunately, that report tread on the toes of the 
Intelligence Community and was classified until 1980. Its 
recommendations eventually resulted in the Large Format 
Camera carried on Shuttle Mission 41-G in October 1984. The 
European Space Agency sponsored the Metric Camera - a 
modified Zeiss aerial camera - which was carried on a Shuttle 
Mission in December 1983. Experimental topographic maps at 
1:24,000 and 1:25,000 scale with 50 foot or 10 meter contours 
were produced, and high quality orthophotographs were 
demonstrated. Though these cameras produced the highest 
ground resolution and geometric integrity of any civil system, the 
vertical, and left and right of the flight line, thus providing a 
coverage swath of approximately 150km. Ground resolution 
was about 2 meters. Film load was 1500 frames. A fourth 
camera of smaller focal length and format (parameters not 
specified) provided wide angle coverage to tie together the three 
high resolution photographs. There was also an "electronic 
reconnaissance antenna", indicating that there may have been 
a electronic data return system. 
In the ZENIT-4 spacecraft, the three long focal length cameras 
were replaced by two folded optic cameras with 2 meter focal 
length and the same 30 cm film. Total swath width would be 
reduced to 50 km, but ground resolution would be improved to 
about 1 meter. The index camera remains, but the electronic 
antenna is missing. Both spacecraft could be rolled about the 
flight axis to acquire photographs left or right of the flight line. 
When the film load was expended the camera capsule was 
separated and returned to Earth by parachute. In principle the 
cameras could have been refurbished and reused, but it is not 
known whether this was actually done. 
It is obvious that these early systems were replaced by higher 
capability as technology advanced in both countries. In the 
United States, systems with designation up to KH-12 have been 
described in the public press, but the actual parameters of these 
advanced systems remain classified. Enterprising reporters and 
occasional security leaks indicate that ground resolution of a 
few centimeters is now possible , and film recovery has been 
replaced by near real time data transmission. From the former 
Soviet Union, photographs with parameters similar to those 
from ZENIT are now commercially available. 
Though the techniques of mapping from satellite images were 
developed in both countries using these systems, there is now 
general agreement by both sides that the major accomplishment 
of space reconnaissance has been the stabilizing factor in 
advances in electro-optical sensors, data transmission, and 
ground processing have made film return systems obsolete, and 
both cameras were abandoned after only one flight. 
Landsat was followed by the French SPOT, the Japanese MOS 
and JERS, the Indian IRS-1A,B, and C, the ESA MOMS, - all 
electro-optical data transmission systems operating in the visual 
and near infrared wavelengths. Some of the characteristics of 
data currently available from these systems are given in Table 
Country USA France India Japan 
Altitude — 705 km 832 km 904 km 568 km 
MS bands 7 3 4 4 4 
pixel (MS) 30m 20m 23m 18m 
pixel (pan) X 10m 6m X 
swath 185 km 80 km 142km MS 75 km 
70 km Pan 
The most useful map products have bcen made by combining 
the high resolution panchromatic images with the lower 
resolution multispectral data to produce maps with various types 
of color coding. Landsat and JERS images can be usetully 
enlarged to 1:100,00 scale; SPOT can go as large as 1:25,000 
scale. SPOT and JERS provide stereo coverage from which 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996

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