- The complex and optimal assessment of the
biological and geographical potentials of every
region of the country.
- Founding the best solution for the utilization of
every region forecasting the protection and
reviewing of the environment, etc.
All state and private institutions, scientific and
education ones, where the study or compiling of
maps is connected with their daily activity are.
provided with computerized technics and
technology. It is forecasted in the perspective,
those institutions to be furnished with sophisti-
cated equipments.
In the end of ‘40-s the Agrarian Branch (today
Land Research Institute), developed the triangu-
lation and takeometric survey in scale 1:2500, in
some zone of Western Lowland.
The triangulation was projected on the Bessel
ellipsoid and in the projection Gauss-Kryger,
with main meridian Lo=20°00". Were compiled
535 planshets with sizes 90x60cm.
On '60-s and further on the surveying was
extended on the hilly zones, in scale 1:5000. As
an ellipsoid was accepted Krasovski, the
projection remained that’s of maps in scale
1:2500, the central meridian was replaced at
Lo-21?00'. Were compiled 2050 trapezium,
which content the geographic and kilometric
The privatization of the properties on 1992 and
further on, brought the division of former parcels
in small units, which cannot be reflected in scale
1:5000. To that, now in Albania is functioning the
Program of Immovable Property Registration
System (IPRS), in order to realize a modern
system of registration and to hand the needful in
formation about them in every moment.
IPRS is assisted from technical and economical
assistance by USAID and EU PHARE and has
defined two main duties:
1. For the emergent needs of properties
registration, to be realized in country scale new
maps in scale 1:2500, by enlargement the maps
1:5000 by photomechanical methods and their
application in terrain.
2. To be compiled new cadastral maps on base of
airphotographic surveying.
For both of them the work has started and goes on
with intensity. On 1994 the airphotographic
surveying covered an area of 4000 km? of
Western Lowland. The processing of materials
and maps compiling is being realized in the
analytic stereoploter D-40. Until the end of 1996
it is forecasted to be elaborated 2000 km?, while
the rest on 1997. On the 1997 will be realized the
airphotographic surveying on 3000 km? area and
so on for the whole country, whose processing is
forecasting to be realized by sophisticated
instruments of Stereodigit type.
To emergent needs, the maps prepared by the
stereoploter D-40 constitute only the situation of
the surveying sectors, later they will constitute
also the relief. The compiling is realized in scale
1:1000 (for the main human habitations) and
1:2500 for the rural zones.
Until 1994 all kinds of maps were prepared by
classic technics and technology, right now this
method is used seldom. Today the main weight
has the computerized cartography in many
Institutions the computerized equipment are of
AutoCAD and H-P 520 type, with format A4,
when all Albania should be reviewed in scale 1:1
250 000 . Still one trying to ensure more advanced
technics and larger format.
The computerized technics that exists at the
Geographic Studies Center (GSC) in Tirana,
installed on 1994 is of WST and PC ARC/INFO
type with work format A0 and it is the only one in
Albania. The fact underlines the very beginnings
of the computerized Geographic Information
System (Samimi, 1994,b). This technique was
based on the extraordinary efforts of
Prof. D.Bickmore, Prof. V.Freitag, Mr. W.
Franklin, Mr. E. Füsselberger, etc to whom we are
deeply grateful.
The equipment installed at the G.S.C are an
integrated system, very sophisticated IBM, HW
and ESRI-SW.
Nowadays is trying for the consolidation of the
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996