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C is the effective focal length
S is a scale factor
x and y are the photo coordinates of a point
X, Y and Z are the ground coordinates of the same point
XO, YO and ZO are the perspective center coordinates
M(x), M(o) and M(o) are orthogonal matrices as a function
of rotation angles (kappa, phi and omega)
between ground and photo coordinate systems.
A SPOT panchromatic image is built by combining 6000
linear strips recorded every 1.5 millisecond as the satellite
moves in its orbit. An important feature of the SPOT dynamic
image is that the spatial bundles of the reconstructed image
rays are restricted to a plane (the CCD size for each pixel of
panchromatic image is 13 by 13 um), and the sensor's field of
view is very narrow (Michele 1981). This results in a high
correlation between the projection center displacement and
the sensor's tilt in the same direction. Another important
feature of the dynamic SPOT image is that although the
orientation elements are continually changing, they are
changing in a highly predictable way, because the satellite is
moving along a well defined orbit path and is always
pointing toward the center of the earth (Gugan 1987).
The photogrammetric space resection formula (Equation 1) is
expanded in order to include the effect of time dependent
parameters and for the purpose of deriving design matrices
of the linearised solution, the dynamic space resection
formula for SPOT 1A image can be written for any image
point (p) as follows (Farrag 1991):
| 0 | | X(P)- (XO* ai*x(p)* br*(x(p)}")
p) 7 s* Mo.o* |Y(P) - (YO a*x(p)* bz*(x(p)))I —Q)
c | | Z(P) - (ZO* as*x(p)* bs*(x(p)))
c isthe effective focal length (the nominal focal length of
SPOT HRV is 1082 mm).
s isa scale factor.
XO; YO; and ZO are the coordinates of the perspective
center corresponding to the center of the SPOT scene.
X(p) is image coordinate of point (p) along track (line
y(p) is image coordinate of point (p) across track (it is a
function of pixel number);
Y(p)=(pixel number - (6000+1)/2) * 0.013mm.
X(P); Y(P); and Z(P) are the ground coordinates of the same
image point (p).
MqLo isa compound orientation matrix as follow:
Maro =M(Q)*M(L)*M(O); where:
M(O) is an orthogonal matrix as a function of reference
rotation angles Ko, Po and wo, between the
working and the image coordinate systems,
corresponding to the scene center.
M(L) is an orthogonal matrix as a function of linear rates
of change (ki, v; and 1) in the reference rotation
angles and the image line number x(p).
M(Q) is an orthogonal matrix as a function of quadratic
rates of change (K2, v» and o» ) in the reference
rotation angles and the image line number x(p).
al; a2; and a3 are linear rates of change in (XO), (YO) and
(ZO) coordinates respectively.
bl; b2; and b3 are quadratic rates of change in (XO); (YO);
and (ZO) coordinates respectively.
Accordingly the dynamic space resection formula of the
SPOT image include the following unknown exterior
orientation parameters:
i- The coordinates of the reference position of the
perspective center XO; YO; and ZO (corresponding to the
center of the SPOT scene), (three unknowns].
ii- The attitude reference values Ko; qo; and o, (ie. the
elements of matrix M(O) {three unknowns}.
iii: The linear rates of change (ki; qi; and 01) of the attitude
elements, (ie. the elements of matrix — M(L) ), {three
iv- The quadratic rates of change (ko; qo; and €?) of the
attitude elements, (1.e. the elements of matrix M(Q) ), (three
v- Although the values of the linear and quadratic rates of
change in the coordinates (XO; YO; and ZO) of the reference
position can be determined as a function of the well defined
earth rotation and satellite tracking speed, further
corrections are given to these parameters during the solution.
This will take care of random changes in the satellite tracking
speed {this leads to six additional unknowns}.
Then the total number of unknown exterior orientation
parameters of a SPOT image is 18; accordingly the minimum
number of the required control points is nine control
Resampling algorithm of SPOT level 1A images for
orthoimage production is carried out in two steps:
Step 1: Locating pixels of the output image (orthoimage) on
the original image plane;
Step 2: Assign a gray value for these pixels.
Special computer programs were written by the author in
order to carry out the resampling algorithms of this study.
The two steps of resampling SPOT images for orthoimage
production will be briefly discussed.
2.1 Step 1
This step can be carried out applying anchorpoints technique
or pixel by pixel technique.
2.1.1 Anchorpoints Technique
Anchorpoints technique involve the following tasks (Farrag
- Determination of the image coordinates (in the original
image plane) corresponding to the DEM grid points
- Determination of the image coordinates (in the original
image plane) corresponding to the pixels of the output image
within the DEM grid.
Equation (2) cannot be used directly to determine the image
coordinates of the DEM grid points because we do not know
exactly which scan-line orientation parameters to be used.
This can be overcome by applying an iterative approach as
i- Determine approximate position of the DEM grid points on
the original image plane, i.e. the pixel No. and the scan-line
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996