Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

Mikhail M. Fomtchenko, General Director, SOVINFORMSPUTNIK, Russia, 
Vladimir F. Chekalin, Senior Researcher, Sc.D., SOVINFORMSPUTNIK, Russia 
Commission IV, Working Group 4 
KEY WORDS: Geometry, Technology, Surveying, DEM/DTM, GPS, Orthoimage, Satellite. 
At the meantime new types of remote sensing data appear on the international market. The data are TK-350 and KVR- 
1000 images which are used for large areas mapping. The area covered by one TK-350 image of 1:660 000 scale is 
200 x 300 km. Same area is evenly covered by seven KVR-1000 images of 1:220 000 average scale. Both types of 
images are taken simultaneously and this imagery allows to perform full-value terrain mapping with 1:50 000 scale and 
To produce such maps joint photogrammetric processing of above mentioned images is to be carried out. Topographic 
images TK-350 serve as metric basis for production of terrain model. This model is measured with the purpose of 
manufacturing of DTM and KVR-1000 imagery geo-referencing. 
One of the main advantages of Russian images is that no additional information about ground surface is needed to 
produce maps. Accuracy of DTM generated on a basis of TK-350 images is */-15-20 m (RMS) in plane and +/-7-10 m 
(RMS) in height. 
Geo-referenced interpretation images KVR-1000 are used for production of orthoimages of up to 1:10 000 scale. Two 
meter resolution of these images allows to make enlarged copies of the said scale without loss of details. 
Much more capabilities for the users of KVR-1000 and TK-350 images become possible if GPS points are used. Even 
if just one GPS point per 150 square kilometers is available accuracy of DTM can be improved up to 5 min height. 
In connection with Russia's active coming out onto the mutual location and ground resolution of objects. At the 
international market of remote sensing data obtained by same time all characteristics of both types of images 
TK-350 and KVR-1000 cameras, the technology of joint are coordinated between each other in the process of 
photogrammetric processing of these images is of survey. 
indubitable interest for the users. According to the According to the announcement of DMA (United States 
ideology of such processing accepted in Russia, TK-350 Defense Mapping Agency) which has conducted a 
images serve as metric basis in producing of geometric study of photogrammetric processing of these data, the 
terrain model with its subsequent measuring. At the accuracy of triangulation performance for TK-350 
same time KVR-1000 images are the carriers of high images is approximately 9 m in plane and 16 m in 
resolution imagery for production of measuring height. The obtained correlation of quantitative values 
cartographic documents. of errors of ground points location in plane and in 
height does not seem to be typical for TK-350 imagery, 
Unique case is obtaining of information on terrain relief and as follows from the analyses of DMA report, is 
by means of stereoscopic survey by KVR-1000 images. caused by  non-consideration of a number of 
It allows to produce DTM with RMS in height of 3-4 m. In metrological parameters of the imagery. Detailed 
so doing direct photogrammetric determinations are description of how the main distorting factors affect the 
made using KVR-1000 imagery stereopairs, and geometry of these images is presented in the report of 
measurements of TK-350 images serve to equalize the Dr. Viktor N. Lavrov ("Sovinformsputnik", Russia). 
results of geo-coding of the former and to control rough 
errors. Association  "Sovinformsputnik”, possessing an 
exclusive right to sell TK-350 imagery, is in position to 
Joint processing of TK-350 and KVR-1000 images supply special methods of consideration of 
provides an obtaining of full-value cartographic products corresponding metrologic parameters of this imagery 
with the minimum number of required geodetic control and to provide users with necessary assistance in 
points. These control points are used to develop adjusting of technological process. Expected accuracy 
geometric terrain model using TK-350 images. From this of photogrammetric processing of TK-350 and KVR- 
terrain model measuring information required for geo- 1000 images is defined by the following equation: 
referencing of KVR-1000 images is taken by means of 
identification of the same ground points. Geodetic 
coordinates of these points are defined with the help of 12 = 6/n [M2y + MPmoa, + 1/8 (MA, * (/& cos?e)M^u)], 
already produced geometric terrain model. 1 
According to the approach above described, TK-350 
images must have highly developed metrologic supply. where: 
In practice, using analytic stereoscopic devices, it allows y - resulting RMS error of ground points coordinates 
to measure TK-350 images with 8-10 mkm accuracy. determination (in the image scale); 
KVR-1000 images must have sufficient accuracy of mx, - RMS error of the image points measurement; 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 
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