Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

a rov- 
> been 
19..For - 
allel to 
D pro- 
er look 
to the 
e lines 
for all 
le from 
Each line has creases at approximately row 650 and 
row 1000 (at a pixel size of 13.5 m). This is a con- 
sequence of the surveying process in which the mea- 
surement of the whole profile was subdivided in three 
parts with two control points in between. Obviously, 
in this profile the horizontal coordinates between ad- 
jacent control points have been calculated with a 5 m 
spacing interval and the appropriate height data are 
determined by the GPS measurements. 
An impression of the DTM quality is given by figure 
10. Along the profile the DTM height is interpolated 
and the difference to the GPS profile is calculated. A 
mean difference of about 60 m is subtracted which in- 
dicates that there are still some systematic influences 
(see discussion below). The remaining differences 
(figure 10) are in an interval of + 10 m with an accu- 
racy of 7.6 m. 
de ENE! 
height differences: GPS - DHM [m] 
Ty EE Ji 
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 
profile [m] 
Figure 10: Height difference between GPS and DTM 
measurement along the profile 
A further improvement of the DTM quality is achieved 
with the developed area based least squares solu- 
tion for MOMS three-line images. The basic con- 
cept of this approach is to match the three channels 
in various combinations which provides high quality 
measurements and allows a sensitive selfdiagnosis. 
For more details please cf. Fritsch et al. (1995) and 
Schneider and Hahn (1995). 
The matching result with this area based solution 
along the DTM evaluation profile is shown in figure 
11. Displayed are the differences between the pro- 
jected GPS coordinates and the measured image co- 
ordinates for the backward and the forward looking 
channels. The projected point location of the 3228 
DTM check points in the nadir channel is taken as 
Seed points to start the matching. 
e e zm 
oO e e 
Diff in (x, y): GPS - Matched [Pixel] 
0 2500 5000 7500 10000 12500 15000 
profile [m] 
Figure 11: Coordinate differences between GPS and 
the matching result 
So far we still observe some inconsistency with the 
orientation and calibration data which shows up in 
a systematic displacement of up to 2 pixels in im- 
age space. Because the reason for this displace- 
ment could not yet fully be explored the uncor- 
rected differences between the GPS points and the 
matched points are plotted in this figure. Possible er- 
ror sources are in an incorrect use of the given ori- 
entation data and in the definition of the datum. It is 
important to note, that the systematic displacement is 
constant and therefore can be eliminated. Substract- 
ing an arithmetic mean value, the following standard 
deviations are found: 0.23 pixels in x and 0.21 pixels 
in y direction of the forward looking channel and 0.13 
pixels in x, 0.15 pixels in y in the backward looking 
channel. Altogether the selfdiagnosis process of the 
matching module indicated that 92.7 96 of the 3228 
profile check points have been matched successfully. 
In a small region of about 150 GPS points (55 pix- 
els, visible in figure 11 at profile length 12500 m) the 
matching failed. The reason for this failure is a blem- 
ished line which can be seen in figure 12. 
In general a preprocessing should eliminate this kind 
of line distortions (which occurs only in the nadir 
channel). Unfortunately this was not carried out thor- 
oughly in this area. On the other hand this example 
shows that the selfdiagnosis of matching procedure 
works well thus erroneous matches caused by this 
distortion are avoided. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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