Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

Corporation EarthWatch EarthWatch Orbital Sciences Space Imaging GDE 
"System" "EarlyBird" "QuickBird" "OrbView-1" 
Altitude (km) 475 470 460 680 743 
Inclination (deg) 073° 52° 97.25? 98.1? 98.8? 
sun synchronous sun synchronous sun synchronous | sun synchronous | sun synchronous 
Repeat Cycle 20 day (max) 20 day (max) 16 day (max) 14 day (max) 16 day 
Revisits Cycle 1.5-2.5 da (max) 1.5-2.5 day(max) « 3 day (max) 1-3 day (max) 1-3 day (max) 
Period (rev/da) 16 15.3 15.5 14.6 14.4 
Table 6. High Resolution Commercial Earth Observing Satellites 
- Orbit Information - 
Corporation EarthWatch Earth Watch Orbital Sciences Space Imaging GDE 
"System" "EarlyBird" "QuickBird" "OrbView-1" 
Scenes (max) 500/orbit 100/orbit 535/day process 600/day 580/day 
On board recording | 500 scenes 100 scenes 250 scenes, 32Gb | 64 Gb 60 Gb 
Delivery time from 15 min.- 48 hr. | 15 min.- 48 hr. | 15 min.- 24 hr. 24 hr.- 48 hr. 24 hr.- 48 hr. 
Acquisition to User 
Ground Station Colorado, Alaska, + Regional Denver, Alaska, Japan | Regional 
Sites Europe, Asia Regional Affiliates Affiliates + Regional Affiliates Affiliates 
Table 7. High Resolution Commercial Earth Observing Satellites 
- Communications/Processing Information - 
Partners On-Orbit Date | Imager Type Payload Pixels 
Agrium US Late 1998 "M10" Pushbroom 700 Kg 12 bit 
Boeing Company 2 satellites ; 
Farmland Industries 
GDE Systems Early 1999 
Pioneer Hi-Bred International 2 satellites 
Institute of Technology Development (ITD) 
| HH 
GSD Spectral Swath FOV Stereo Pointing Sensor Sensor Accuracy 
Bands Width Position Attitude 
10m 45-52 205km 15.9° Yes +30° GPS Star Without GCP- 
53-59 in-track in-track Trackers 30m 
.76-.90 & x40? With GCP- 
cross-track 5m absolute 
20m 1.55-1.68 cross-track 1m relative 
100m+ | 1.23-1.53 
Altitude Inclination Revisits Cycle Constellation Phasing On-Board Recording 
743 km 
98.6° sun sync. 
3.5 day @ nadir 
0°, 77.14°, 180°, 257.14° 
176 Gb each satellite 
Table 8. Resource 21 
- Commercial Earth Observing Satellite System - 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996

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