Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

The base length as well as the gap between flight paths 
are designed to comply with sheet DGK5 (German base 
map 1:5,000). In this way an orthophoto covers a 
complete map sheet. This arrangement is not necessary; 
it does, however, simplify processing. 
2.2. Aerotriangulation 
Aerotriangulation takes place in analytical equipment with 
subsequent bundle block adjustment using the BLUH 
program system (bundle block adjustment of the 
University of Hanover). Horizontal and vertical control 
points are taken from the DGK5 for this scale. With this, 
all the following data can be acquired in the Gauf$ Krüger 
coordinate system. 
2.3. Scanning of the aerial photographs 
Scanning of the aerial photographs is carried out on a 
photogrammetric scanner in a resolution of 1000 dpi 
(approx 25 um). This equates in our example to a pixel 
size on the ground of approximately 32 cm. In order to 
produce colour photos every second aerial photograph is 
scanned in three channels. 
A 1 m point grid is automatically produced with a 
computation speed of 200 points per second through 
model stereo matching. The terrain model (DTM) is 
produced by a specially developed finishing process on a 
raster base, whereby interference such as bushes or 
buildings are interpolated. 
In order to acquire the relief model (DEM) we return to 
the original model. 
It should be remembered that sharp edges are not 
recorded. The absence of sharp edges leads to smooth 
transitions where the earth's surface is characterised by 
hard edges. Despite this, the landscape structure can be 
modelled in great detail due to the high point density. 
Data storage and processing of the large grid models is 
done using ERDAS IMAGINE. Again, this level allows 
morphological parameters (e.g. exposition, landscape 
gradients) to be derived via suitable processing methods, 
despite very high volumes of data. 
3.1. Orthophoto generation 
The computation of orthophotos takes place using a 
generalised form of DTM in OrthoMAX. The tilt of the 
building remains but the visible vertical masonry is 
represented faithfully. 
The ground resolution of an orthophoto pixel is about 30 - 
35 cm for the above- named image scale of 1:12,500. 
3.2. Mosaicing 
Mosaicing the individual orthophotos produces a 
complete picture. radiometric equalisation around the 
edges avoids hard transitions between the individual 
aerial photographs. The mosaics can be output in various 
pixel resolutions. 
Digitalization of all buildings is carried out in the 
orthoimage. At the same time reference is made back to 
the true height data (DEM) during digitalization so that 
measurement in the stereo model is not necessary. 
4.1. Merging and Editing 
Automated combination of the matched heights with the 
building polygons cannot be carried out using standard 
software. The programmes used for this purpose are a 
joint development of IPI (Institute for Photogrammetry and 
Engineering surveys of the University of Hanover) and 
The following processes run automatically: 
e Allocation of all measured building heights to the 
relevant building polygons, 
e Calculation of a statistic relevant to each building and 
calculation of spot heights, 
«Establishment of buildings whose relief must be 
remeasured manually, 
e Attributing raster and vector data sets with the heights 
above sea level for each building, 
* Calculation of the absolute building height through 
calculation of differences of the building grid and the 
Any conspicuous buildings (statistics) are marked 
additionally in the stereo model in order for subsequent 
measurement to be carried out if required, and to allocate 
the new height to the data set. 
One of the results is the building model in figure 3. 
The acquisition of trees corresponds to an analysis 
which results from the intersection of the DTM with the 
DEM taking all buildings into consideration. Vegetation 
with a height of » 3 m high can be acquired with a 
probability of > 95%. 
4.2. Accuracy / Data control 
The evaluation of the images is performed with the 
above-named photo scale with a horizontal accuracy of 
dx 7 dy « 1,5m. The height accuracy is dz < 1,0m. 
Verification of relief data is done by reference 
measurements with analytical equipment. 
4.3. Data output 
The vector output of the buildings is in ARC/INFO export 
format. These are closed and attributed polygons. 
Data output in DXF format or in ASCII is also possible as 
output in various other standard formats. 
The raster files of buildings and DTM can stored with 16 
bit depth and 1m or 5m grid width as IMAGINE, GRID, 
TIFF, SUN-Raster or other formats. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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