Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

with a distance of 200 m from a road to see all the 
details (e.g.bridges, tubes, kilometre posts 
etc.). These types were interpreted just after flight. By 
the results in a working copybook and on images 
some marks were written. This information was used 
for correction of map manuscripts. 
Interpretation flight with the second type of the 
technology for correcting a map of scale 1:10 000 
had a number of special things,got from an absence 
of materials of new airsurvey from MDP.Observation 
for keeping duty map manuscript by correcting some 
details in a copy during flight and landings was 
realized.Besides an interpretator had results of 
videofilm and map manuscript corrected by 
materials of cartographic meaning.Altitude of the 
flight was not higher 100m with min speed of 60 km 
/h. There were much more landings and virages(by 2 
times) comparing with the first type of the 
technology.In interpretation works map manuscript 
was compared with condition of area some required 
detaile and characteristics were done. 
Landings of MDP were realized in areas of objects 
with difficult situation for interpretation with small 
elements that were not recognized in flight. The data 
obtained was processed immediately after 
observations, while the terrain details are fresh in 
the memory of an image interpreter. Each time MDP 
flights were followed by field data processing. Field 
observations of all the areas flew over took place to 
check air visual interpretation data that resulted in 
the recognition of about 2096 of objects, thus proving 
the interpretation results by photokeys for populated 
sites of the second and the third areas. (See Table 
2). Field surveying was followed by in-door revision 
of field maps and by their preparation for copying 
and printing. 
2.6 Timely revision of plans and 
maps and results evalution. 
The 1:500 scaled plans were fully prepared for 
revision (control points taken from the plans of 1:500 
tacheometric survey, 1993, were repinned). Each 
stereo-pair was supplied by, at least, four control 
points, by "nests" of contour points of the old plan or 
by photogrammetric bridging points (3-4) positioned 
at the corners of the area surveyed. Marking device 
MP-1 was used for point marking. Control points and 
photogrammetric bridging points taken from 1:4000 
helicopter air survey documents,1992, were 
transfered to air photographs obtained from new air 
surveying. As for contour points they were 
transfered by repinning from 1:2000 plans made on 
the basis of these documents. 
Elements of innner and reciprocal orientation were 
determined from the models designed on 
Stereoanagraph-2, and then tilt angles of MDP air 
photographs were defined by those elements. 
Determination by 11 stereopairs of 1:6000 scale 
resulted in Axmax=2°.6, Aomax=7°-4 AXmax=T° 
.O, (witct Aomin=0°.1,A0min=0°-0, AXmin=0°.1),and 
by 9 stereo-pairs of 1:3000 scale respectively:1.°5, 
7.°3, 4.°3 (0.°1, 0.°3, 0.°4).From observation results 
you can see that. there are rather significant 
differences of tilt angles and turns of air photos 
presented in some cases, that is why an analytical 
device was used for image processing. Spatial 
network bridgings were carried out by an analytical 
method with using SK 18x18 stereocomparator and 
"Onega-2"automated recording device. The bridging 
results used for revision of 1:2000 scaled plans 
showed that residual errors do not exceed 0,15mm 
with an admissible value being 0,25 mm. As for 
bridging based on  1:3000 aerial photographs 
intended for revision of plans of 1:500 scale, it failed 
to give positive results (errors reached 0,4 mm), 
therefore air-photos of 1:6 000 scale were used for 
revision on the basis of 1:500 tacheometric survey 
Map revision methods vary depending on customer's 
demands, so the kinds of revision also may be 
different: a partial revision where high accuracy of 
some map elements is required; a simplified revision 
where accuracy of the whole map or of some map 
elements is not so high; and a full revision where it is 
necessary to revise the whole map content with a 
required accuracy. Based on the results obtained it 
was decided to make timely revision of plans at 
scales of 1:500, 1:10 000, and 1:2 000 by three 
methods respectively. 
The choice of a method applied to map revision on 
AFP depended on the amount of corrections to be 
made, relief of the terrain, and tilt angles of air- 
photos. All the working documents i.e data referred 
to the flight strip and needed for the map board 
orientation, a catalogue of coordinates, and 
stereopairs to be processed have been prepared for 
the revision. The catalogue of coordinates for the 
second area contained 89 control points, for a 
processed stereo-pair of 1:6 000 scale almost fully 
covering the plan of 1:2000 scale it contained 15 
control points. R.m.s. error (further "error") of 
reciprocal orientation did not exceed 5 mkm, errors 
of exterior orientation computed by 7 points were 
dx-0,08 m, dy-0,10 m, dz-0,15 m. Accuracy 
estimation of geometrical model designing on the 
basis of 14 points resulted in the following values: 
dxz0,17m,dy-0,18m, dz-0,25 m. Errors of the map 
board orientation were dx=0,12 mm, dy=0,05 mm, 
ds=0,13 mm. For the repeated orientation of the 
map board five or six identical points per each 
stereo-pair were additionally included into the 
catalogue. After the evaluation of geometric 
constructions completed a digital manuscript of 
changes was formed together with simultaneous 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 
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