o wd
(c) Culture and entertainment class
Lists and the Tel. Nos. of the following classes:
Cinemas and theaters; Museums; Parks.
523 Newly increased users' feature object class of
the GIS data model
Supplementary user-oriented feature object class of the
GIS data model — due to missing or updating of the data
the user-oriented feature objects may be supplemented
by users organizations themselves or by the software
supplier according to the purchasing contract.
New user-oriented feature obiect class of the GIS data
model — due to the extension of the GIS applications an
extended new user may be added. The supplementary
user-oriented feature units should be supplemented by
the software supplier.
We will define a general rule here, i.e., we will take the
various users requirements as the standard for each
step, such as: data acquisition, various input for the GIS
database and designing the user-oriented feature
objects. As the time goes on the data in the GIS should
be madified, supplemented or updated according to the
practical situation as soon as possible.
6. Conclusions
In the last decade a software revolution had been quietly
started in the OOP languages in computer science. In
this paper we have discussed and analyzed some
important concepts of the GIS related items, such as: the
OOP languages, the VB language, GUI of windows, the
dynamic applications of the OOP languages, the object-
oriented database and three classes of an object
oriented and user-oriented data model as an example. In
GIS all the object can be composed by the geometric
points, lines, polygons and their semantic attributes
which can be displayed graphically and/or output by the
hardcopies with limited semantic notations on them. Ali
the semantic attributes of the GIS can be queried by its
softwares and also can be displayed and/or printed for
various users needs. Pictures displaying, such as:
scenic view from various viewpoints is possible. This
paper is a part of a research project “Adapting GIS to
the changeable world, dynamic applications, quicker
queries, convenient analyses and powerful semantic
retrieval of attributes for a better world”. We are now in
the process.
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