for GIS. Incidentally, in the time used for integration of
data (the error checking and the correction etc. is
contained) is half day per 1 areas by one operator.
2. 4. Grasping of the blockade situation of the street
Grasped an items shown below .
) Street width before the earthquake disaster
) Decrease of street width by pole falling
Decrease of street width by debris
Decrease of street width by debris and pole falling
Each item was classified by following standard.
i) equal to or less than 1.5-m width (Pedestrian passage
ii) equal to or less than 3.0-m width (Bicycle passage
iii) equal to or less than 6.5-m width (1 vehicle passage
iv) more than 6.5-m width (2 vehicle passage possible)
We paid notice to the possibility of vehicle's passage to
identify the situation of blockade. And then, the authors
grasped identify the situation of blockade. And then, the
authors grasped what passage condition the street equal
to or more than 3-m width by the influence of the blockade.
Also, the passage possibility of the vehicle was found out
from the remaining width of the street as a result of the
blockade. The standard is based on i)iv) above-
2. 5. Implementation and evaluation of the analysis
The passage situation of the street was simulated based
on the structure of the street and the measurement data of
the blockade and the pathfinding was implemented using
network data on GIS. A pathfinding was implemented by
following technique.
1) Choose one node which belongs to main street on
analysis area borders(about 6 nodes in 1 area).
2) Implement pathfinding from chosen node to each
3) Total frequency of pathfinding for every link.
We can estimate the degree of the flow from the main
street to the analysis area from above. The value of the
load of each link was estimated from this result.
It causes the result to have disregarded the structure of
the street if the pathfinding is performed only based on the
distance. Therefore, the authors set the impedance of
each link simply as follows from width.
Impedance = (Length of link) / (Width of link)
The result of the pathfinding is presented as the frequency
that the link was chosen. Also, it is inevitable that the
invisible area occurs as long as an air-photograph is used.
We excluded the invisible area from this analysis.
3. Results
3. 1. Grasping of the blockade situation of the street
The authors totaled the amount of each link according
to the following item using GIS.
3. 1. 1. Street width before the earthquake disaster:
The number of the links by the width in the investigation
area is shown in the Figure 2. The characteristic of the
investigation area is as follows in general.
A) There are comparatively many streets with wide
width in Sannomiya and Nagata area where
commerce and industry are developing.
B) There are many street where the vehicle can not
pass in the Hyogo area.
C) As for the other area, the rate of the distinction at the
street by the width is approximately the same.
3. 1. 2. Decrease of the street width by the influence
of falling poles: The situation of streetway blockade due
to fallen poles is shown in Figure 3. for the streets with the
width of 3 to less than 6.5m and in Figure 4. for the streets
with the width of 6.5m or wider. There are few absolute
numbers of the blockade part by the falling of poles.
However, the possibility of the passage of the vehicle in
the blockade occurrences is low.
3. 1. 3. Decrease of the street width by the influence
of debris: The situation of streetway blockade due to
debris is shown in Figure 5. for the streets with the width of
3 to less than 6.5m and in Figure 6. for the streets with the
width of 6.5m or wider. Occurrence of debris is
overwhelmingly higher comparing with the falling of poles.
However, the hindrance to the vehicle passage due to the
street blockade resulting from debris is less significant
comparing with those resulting from pole falling. But the
passage of vehicle is impossible at 60% or more of the
streets on average in case where the street width is 3 -
6.5m while it is around 30% on average where the width is
6.5 m or more. Therefore, this result shows that the
securing of width can be the basic factor of the securing of
vehicle passage.
3. 1. 4. Decrease of the street width by the influence
of falling of poles and debris: The situation of streetway
blockade due to fallen poles and debris is shown in Figure
7. Here we roughly classified the streets into those where
vehicles could pass and could not pass after the
earthquake. And the streets where the vehicles could not
pass were further divided into those with which non-
passage was caused by the structure itself of street before
the occurrence of earthquake and those with which
hindrance to the passage was caused by the street
blockade resulting from the earthquake. As a result, it was
found that the damage of the street blockade was big in
Rokkoumichi and Uozaki areas, and that the damage was
small in Kasuganomichi and Hyougo area.
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996
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