In-Sook Jung, Young-Kyu Yang, Kyoung-Ho Choi, Kyoung-Ok Kim, Jong-Hoon Lee ái
System Engineering Research Institute se
Eoeun-Dong, Yusung-ku, Taejeon, Korea 305-333 an
Commision IV, Working Group 1 sin
KEY WORDS : Integration, Modeling, Simulation, Database, GIS
This paper describes the processes and results of Routes of Approach (RAs) modeling using GIS which
can be used in analyzing anticipated hostile threats. The RA modeling implemented within GIS is known as
IPB (Intelligence Preparation of Battlefield). This model represents a classical terrain analysis application for
which GIS technique has been adopted. The model makes a priority table for the candidate RAs by
considering factors of RA and corresponding weights for each factor. Many advanced countries have been
using GIS which can manipulate data collection, update, analysis, and display in RA analysis. Our military
forces, having relatively less experience in computerized analysis, recently found its importance and started
developing RA analysis system. Thus, the objective of this study is to develope a scientific RA analysis
system which can combine GIS, image processing, and terrain analysis methods to support field commanders
who have to set up strategic tactics in battlefield operation.
INTRODUCTION operation. To analyze the battlefield information, we
should select several candidates for RAs and evaluate
corresponding factors for each RA. For each factor, it
The RA modeling was developed in 1993 as a is necessary to prepare the accurate GIS data layers.
scientific terrain analysis system for the battlefield The RA modeling simulation system has been
operation using GIS techniques such as precision implemented as an interactive tool, allowing changes
registration, overlay, on-line editing, etc. It to be quickly entered into the decision-making fact
synthesizes and analyzes various information on the Process. This study shows how to prepare a data ac
enemy forces, and can judge and prepare the base for each of the six factors used for RA analysis. | i
countermeasure in case of an enemy's hostile action. The results of this paper also suggest possible | "a t
Rapid and accurate terrain analysis reduces improvements for the future studies. | i
uncertainties in mobility, firing, and communication | dr
and guarantees efficiencies in combat capability as PROCESSING FLOW OF RA ANALYSIS be
well as weapon system. It also enables easy planning ther
and prompt decision in operation field, and thus : : pred
serves as the critical factors in battle operations. The The RA analysis procedure is composed of the The
main goal of developing this modeling is to evaluation of threats, the analysis of the regions of he
interest and influence, the analysis of the terrain, and
the synthesis of threats. We should prepare the GIS
data layers such as slope gradient, slope aspect,
woods, soil, land cover, major rivers and major
terrain & feature (e.g., target area or object, high
ground, communication center, terrain suited for the
complement the conventional qualitative method
evaluated by human eyes, and to produce an
objective and quantitative methodology.
This paper describes the process of obtaining,
inputting, and analyzing accurate data for battlefield
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996