Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

fields came through the use of digital imagery and image 
analysis techniques. 
Regarding relative orientation, the method in [Schenk et al., 
1991] employs edge detection for selecting matching 
candidates which are subsequently precisely matched by 
examining their correlation coefficients. Through the use of 
image pyramids, matching is fine-tuned and precision is 
improved. Reported accuracies in conjugate identification 
through this automated method reach 0.2 pixel, which 
corresponds to 5-6 um at the finest resolution used in the 
reported experiments [Stefanidis et al, 1991]. In a 
conceptually similar approach, [Tang & Heipke, 1996] use 
geometric coherency constraints and report conjugate point 
measurement accuracies on the order of 0.2-0.3 of a pixel, 
which at the finer used resolutions correspond to 
approximately 3.5 um. In addition to the above mentioned 
accuracies, which are comparable to the ones associated with 
high-precision analytical photogrammetric processes, the 
automated orientation methods offer excellent time 
performance (as little as 4 minutes per image pair) and 
produce very large numbers of conjugate points per image 
pair, outperforming analytical methods in these tasks. 
An excellent review of digital matching strategies for point 
transfer is given in [Foerstner, 1995]. Automated point 
transfer based on graph theory models for the selection of 
proper matching combinations has been extended into a 
digital aerotriangulation strategy, with accuracies on the 
order of 0.3-0.4 pixels [Ackermann & Tsingas, 1994]. In an 
alternative approach, multiple image multipoint matching is 
used for the automatic determination of exterior orientation 
parameters and positioning of selected points within an 
aerotriangulation strategy [Agouris, 1992]. The method 
proceeds by employing automatic orientation modules for 
the automatic generation of approximate photomosaics. 
Using these photomosaics, approximate conjugate points 
are selected and are subsequently matched precisely by using 
a modified least squares based matching solution. Thus, the 
technique combines matching and block adjustment, 
achieving accuracies on the order of 0.3 pixel at the finer 
resolution [Agouris, 1992]. For reasonable resolutions this 
can correspond to measuring accuracies of 3-5 um. 
3.2 Automated DTM and Orthoimage Generation 
DTMs and orthoimages are traditionally two of the most 
popular and fundamental geoinformation layers at GIS. Their 
automation through digital photogrammetry is having a 
major effect in underlining the potential benefits of an 
integrated photogeographic information environment. 
Automated Digital Terrain Model generation has resulted 
from the application of matching techniques to a very large 
amount of points in a stereopair of digital images. The 
matching solutions define pairs of conjugate points, and 
when projected in object space they determine terrain 
points. These points are used for the definition of a DTM. 
Quite often, various geometric constraints are imposed, 
tying together solutions of various points, to ensure 
geometric coherence in the object space. The processed 
points can be selected to form a grid, or be randomly 
Packages for automated DTM generation from digital 
imagery (e.g. MATCH-T) have made the transition from 
research into production, becoming available in softcopy 
photogrammetric workstations (e.g. Leica/Helava DPW 770, 
VirtuoZo). Initial experiments comparing the performance 
of such systems to top-of-the-line analytical plotters were 
rather satisfactory, with deviations between automatically 
and manually determined DTMs being on the order of 0 to 2 
m for 1:10000 scale photography and very adverse terrain 
(e.g. a glacier area, with abrupt and severe height variations) 
[Baltsavias et al., 1996]. Better accuracies can be achieved 
for more regular types of terrain. Employing 1:16000 scale 
imagery and a DPW system, [Mikhail, 1992] reported DTM 
accuracies in the orded of 0.4-1.0 m relative to the heights 
derived with state-of-the-art analytical methods. For images 
of scale 1:9000 [Walker, 1994] reports accuracies on the 
order of 0.009-0.018% of the flying height for DTMs 
automatically determined using MATCH-T. 
Orthoimages have enjoyed increased popularity with the 
transition from analytical to digital photogrammetry, as 
they are easy to produce, very suitable for overlay on other 
geodata, and can complement, or even substitute, 
topographic maps. They convey great amounts of 
information and can be considered excellent base maps. 
Regarding production, performance and functionality, 
digital orthoimage generation has already surpassed its 
analog counterpart, and has very successfully made the 
transition to production, with numerous firms offering 
systems or software modules for orthoimage generation 
[Baltsavias, 1993]. Considering both algorithmic and 
production aspects, the issue of orthoimage generation is 
considered to have reached a satisfactory and rather stable 
3.3 Automated Extraction of from 
Digital Imagery 
The current state-of-the-art among digital image analysis and 
computer vision activities on the subject of automated 
object extraction from digital imagery can be found in 
[Gruen et al., 1995]. Among the digital photogrammetric 
research topics pertinent to GIS integration, this is the one 
where a dominant methodological/algorithmic trend aiming 
at automation has not yet clearly emerged. Instead, we can 
identify numerous approaches and various strategies 
developed, often aiming at specific subtasks (e.g. 
identifying only roads on high altitude imagery) with 
various degrees of success. Among the emerging trends, 
monoplotting appears to combine operational ease with the 
potential for high accuracy measurements in an operator- 
assisted mode [Agouris et al., 1994]. Despite the lack of a 
common algorithmic trend, a clear operational trend is 
evident: to remove time-consuming and error-prone 
measuring tasks from the operator’s duties by performing 
them instead through automated modules. The role of an 
operator in a modern digital photogrammetric object 
extraction process is expected to become limited to guiding 
the execution of automated measuring modules, and to 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 
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