Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

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will provide a two-way link between the EOS and its users. It 
will assure timely processing of RS and collateral data, 
generation of standardized EOS products, serve as an 
interactive source of information on EOS data, products and 
programs, and provide links with the national and 
international EOS Centers. Although the total EOS’ budget, 
at present about US $ 7 billion, is still being discussed, 
EOSDIS is expected to cost about one third of this total. Such 
a significant funding is indicative of the importance that 
NASA assigns to effective management and dissemination of 
EOS data, derived products and information. 
In order to further increase the effectivness of management of 
geospatial information, Canada and the United States have 
initiated the establishment of spatial data infrastructures, the 
Canadian Spatial Data Infrastructure (CSDI) and National 
Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) respectively. Their 
objective is to enhance and promote the interoperability 
between the geospatial data archives. Their successful 
implementation requires an effective network of geospatial 
data archives; adherance to standards for spatial data formats, 
quality and electronic transfers (section 2.9); development of 
appropriate regulatory and institutional policies, as well as 
promotional activities. It is expected that these developments 
will eventually lead to the establishment of Global Spatial 
Data Infrastructure (GSDI). 
2.9 Standards for Geospatial Data and Products 
The increasing number of countries operating EO satellites 
and thus generating a wide range of RS data and derived 
products, as well as fast growing electronic transfers of such 
data, make necessary the adoption of international standards. 
The international standards are particularly important for 
regional and global projects, when large geospatial datasets, 
including RS data and derived products, originating in many 
countries, have to be transformed to a common database, 
integrated and processed in GIS, and the results transmitted 
back to participating countries. These tasks are best achieved 
under a broader framework of developing standards for all 
geospatial data formats, to assure their compatibility. 
Recognizing the growing need for the development of 
standards for geospatial data and derived products, the 
International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 
established a Technical Committee for Geographic 
Information / Geomatics, the ISO/TC-211, in 1994. At present, 
there are 23 member countries and 13 countries in an 
observing capacity, participating in the work of the ISO/TC- 
211. All the countries operating EO satellites are among the 
member countries. It is expected that the existing national and 
international standards for geospatial data formats, most 
notably the NATO Digital Geographic Exchange Standard 
(DIGEST) for geographic digital data in vector formats and 
DIGEST-Image for data in raster formats, will be gradually 
harmonized with and incorporated into the standards to be 
developed by the ISO/TC-211. (Ostensen, 1995). 
Another important series of international standards, which is 
relevant to geospatial data and products, is the ISO 9000 
series of standards on quality assurance. Strict compliance 
with these standards by the regional and global mapping and 
monitoring programs will guarantee their quality, and thus 
facilitate the international acceptability of their products. 
3.1 Earth Observing System (EOS) 
Remote sensing capacities for continuous environmental 
monitoring and land cover mapping at regional and global 
levels will be significantly strengthened when the NASA - led 
international program, the Earth Observing System (EOS), 
starts the deployment of a new generation of EO satellites in 
1998. The EOS is the centerpiece of NASA’s program 
“Mission to Planet Earth”, which aims at gaining a broad 
understanding of the Earth as a system. It is based on 
systematic, long-term Earth observations from space 
platforms, complemented by ground observations in selected 
sites. The overall objective of EOS is to support the Mission to 
Planet Earth with RS data from EO satellites, relevant to 
worldwide assessments and forecasts of impacts of global 
change. EOS is the most important and comprehensive attempt 
to close the wide gaps in geospatial information about the 
Earth natural resources. The timely availability of such 
information, to be generated by EOS, is a prerequisite to 
sustainable development. 
The EOS space segment will consist of up to 17 EO satellites. 
Its final configuration, sensor payloads, and the extent of 
international participation are still being discussed. Landsat-7, 
to be launched in 1998, will be part of EOS. (Section 3.3) It is 
expected that EOS, when fully deployed, will generate over 2 
terabytes of data daily. In order to be able to process, archive 
and disseminate such a huge volume of data to scientists 
around the world, NASA initiated development of EOS Data 
Information System (EOSDIS). (Section 2.8). 
One of the key RS sensor systems for environmental 
monitoring, developed for EOS, is the Moderate Resolution 
Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS). It will record images of 
the Earth’s surface in 32 spectral bands, with ground 
resolution of 250 m for 2 bands (red and near-IR), 500 m for 5 
bands (visible and near-IR) and 1 km for 25 bands (ranging 
from the blue part of spectrum to thermal-IR). MODIS is of 
particular interest to the regional and global environmental 
monitoring and land cover mapping programs because it will 
provide a complete global coverage with 250m - 1km ground 
resolution, and 32 spectral bands every 2 days. Its spectral 
bands were selected to enable better spectral discrimination of 
land cover classes, compared to the NOAA/AVHRR system. 
Furthermore, MODIS data will have significantly improved 
geometric rectification and radiometric calibration. The size of 
MODIS scenes will be 2000km x 2000km. MODIS will be 
included in the RS payload of several EOS satellites, starting 
with AM-1, which is scheduled for launch in 1998. (Asrar & 
Dozier, 1994; Justice et al, 1994; NASA/GSFC, 1996; 
Townshend et al., 1991). 
3.2 NOAA/TIROS Follow-on 
A follow-on to the NOAA/TIROS successful series of polar- 
orbiting meteorological satellites with the AVHRR RS sensor 
system will be the National Polar Orbiting Environmental 
Satellite System, operated jointly by NOAA and the U.S. 
Department of Defence. It will consist of three spacecrafts, 
orbiting in conjunction. Currently, NOAA and the U.S. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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