Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

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for Global Monitoring of Woody Vegetation using Remote 
Sensing Data. Invited paper. Ninth World Forestry Congress, 
Mexico City. FAO, Remote Sensing Centre series, No.32. 14p. 
Kalensky, Z.D., 1992. FAO Remote Sensing Activities in 
Environmental Monitoring and Forest Cover Assessment in 
Developing Countries. ISPRS 17th Congress, Washington, 
D.C., U.S.A. Invited paper. 17p. 
Kalensky, Z.D., 1994. Land Cover Mapping and Monitoring 
by Satellites. International Workshop on Global Mapping, 
Izumo, Japan. Invited paper. Geographical Survey Institute of 
Japan technical report GSI A.1-No.173, pp. 112-125. 
Kalensky, Z.D., 1995. Use of Space Technology to Enhance 
Food Security and Economic Stability in Developing 
Countries. Workshop of the United Nations and European 
Space Agency: Space Technology for Improving Life on Earth, 
Graz, Austria. Invited paper. 9p. 
Kalensky, Z.D., 1996. Remote Sensing Data Information 
Networks - Overview of Recent Canadian Developments. 
CCRS internal report. 5p. 
Kalensky, Z.D., J.A. Howard, G. Colella, and E.C. Barrett, 
1985. Agricultural Drought Monitoring by Meteosat in Africa. 
FAO Remote Sensing Series No. 37. FAO, Rome, Italy. 18p. 
Kalensky, Z.D., P.G. Reichert, and K.D. Singh, 1991. Forest 
Mapping and Monitoring in Developing Countries Based on 
Remote Sensing. Invited paper. Proceedings of the Symposium 
*Applied Remote Sensing in Forestry - State of the Art and 
Future Development", Freiburg, Germany. Pp. 230-257. 
Kondo, J., moderator, 1994. Round-Table Conference on 
Global Mapping. Geographical Survey Institute (GSI) of Japan 
report. 47p. 
Konecny, G., 1995. Current Status and Future Possibilities 
for Topographic Mapping from Space. EARSeL. Advances in 
Remote Sensing. Vol. 4, No. 2-X, pp. 1-18. 
Lanly, J.P., 1992. FAO’s Programme on Global Forest 
Assessment and Monitoring. Invited paper. World Forest 
Watch Conference, Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil. 5 p. 
Liebig, V., 1995. Feasibility Study for a CEOS Developing 
Country Space Information System. CEOS Newsletter, No. 5 
(Summer 1995), pp. 6-7. 
Malingreau, J.-P. and A.S. Belward, 1994. Recent Activities 
in the European Community for the Creation and Analysis of 
Global AVHRR data sets. International Journal of Remote 
Sensing, Vol. 15, No. 17, pp. 3397-3416. 
NASA / GSFC, 1996. MODIS Home Page. Internet - World 
Wide Web. 6p. 
Nazarenko, D., G. Staples, and C. Aspden, 1996. 
RADARSAT: First Images. Photogrammetric Engineering & 
Remote Sensing, Vol. 62, No. 2, pp. 143-146. 
Osawa, Y., H. Wakabayashi, K. Toda, and T. Hamazaki, 
1995. Advanced Land Observing Satellite (ALOS): Mission 
Requirements, Payloads and a Satellite System. Nationa] 
Space Development Agency of Japan (NASDA) report. 6p. 
Ostensen, O., 1995. Mapping the Future of Geomatics. 
International Standards Come to the Support of Informatics in 
Global Mapping. ISO Bulletin, December 1995, pp. 5-10. 
Ryerson, R.A., 1995. The Application of Remote Sensing to 
the Collection of Environmental Data. Canada Centre for 
Remote Sensing (CCRS) report. 40p. 
Ryerson, R.A. and C.-P. Lo, 1995. Remote Sensing for 
Demographic Studies Related to Global Change. In: University 
of Waterloo Department of Geography publication series, 
No. 38, The Canadian Remote Sensing Contribution to 
Understanding Global Change. (E.F. LeDrew, M. Strome, and 
F. Hegyi, eds.). Chapter 8, pp. 155-170. 
Singh, K.D., 1992. Remote Sensing Component of FRA - 90 
Follow-up. FAO report. 3 p. 
Snijders, F.L., 1996. Personal communication on the latest 
status of the FAO ARTEMIS project. 
St-Pierre, M., 1995. Overview of the Radarsat Mission. 
Proceedings of the First Regional GlobeSAR Seminar in 
Middle East and North Africa. Amman, Jordan, April 1995. 
CCRS, pp. 1-7. 
Townshend, J., 1994. Global Data Sets for Land Applications 
from the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer: an 
Introduction. International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 
15, No, 17, pp. 3319-3332. 
Townshend, J., C. Justice, W. Le, C. Gumey and J. McManus, 
1991. Global Land Cover Classification by Remote Sensing: 
Present Capabilities and Future Possibilities. Remote Sensing 
of Environment, Vol. 35, Nos. 2&3, pp. 243-255. 
Toutin, T., 1994. Multisource Data Integration with an 
Integrated and Unified Geometric Modelling. Proceedings of 
the 14th EARSeL Symposium, Goteborg, Sweden. (J. Askne, 
ed.). Pp. 163-174 & 494-496. 
Tsai-Koester, L.-H., 1994. A Survey of Environmental 
Monitoring and Information Management Programmes of 
International Organizations. UNEP - HEM report. 360p. 
Tucker, C.J, JR.G. Townshend, and  T.E. Goff, 1985. 
African Land Cover Classification Using Satellite Data. 
Science, Vol. 227, No. 4685, pp. 369-375. 
Watkins, A.H., 1994. USGS's Global Earth Science Data and 
Information Collection Activities. International Workshop on 
Global Mapping, Izumo, Japan. Invited paper. Geographical 
Survey Institute of Japan technical report GSI A.1-No.173, pp. 
Wood, W.B., P.H. Freeman, and J.A.Miller, eds., 1995. 
EARTHMAP Design Study and Implementation Plan. 
Discussion Paper, the Global Environment and Technology 
Foundation, U.S.A. 57 p. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 
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