Kirsanov A.A., Kolesnikov V I.
Nikiforova D.D., Vershinin O.B.,
Nikol'skiy IL. Yu. VNIIKAM (Russia)
Commission IV, Working Group I
KEY WORDS: GIS, Remote Sensing, Environmental, Natural Resource Database, Mapping
At the present time interest to GIS stipulated by economic and political reasons is wided in Russia. The most
of territorial, administrative units aspire to create own territorial
scientific, practical,
GIS for solution of wide spectrum of
economic and administrative tasks. An organized collection of computer hardware and
software designed to efficiently create, manipulate, analyze and display all types of geographically or spátially
referenced data. GIS allows complex spatial operations that are very difficult to do other wise. However,
practical experience of these GIS application is absent in Russia. There are only special reference to GIS
using for concrete tasks solution, for example, as compilation of land cadastr,
not infrequently with more experienced foreign partners.
forest and urban cadastrs,
The work under creation of GIS for Dagestan Republic was executed by VNIIKAM with aim of information
maintenance of management and prospective planning of republican economic development.
Composed maps will be used to planning and projecting of roads, gas and oil pipelines, exploitation of mineral
resources, water supply and irrigation systems, agricultural areas (arable lands, vineyards, pastures etc.). Above
mentioned maps are included into data bank, save there and forming electronic atlas of natural resources and
environment on a whole.
Dagestan Republic occupies area 50.3 thousands sq.
km with population more than 1.6 millions.
In accordance with relief peculiarities Dagestan is
divided into two parts northern plain with absolute marks
lower 0 meters at the larger part (Pricaspian lowland)
and mountain southern (eastern slopes of Caucasus). The
following branches of agriculture and industry are
developed at republic such as chemical, manufactural,
glass-work, machine-building, viticulture, gardening,
poultry forming, cattle-breeding. Various
mineral resources are prospected and exploited in
Dagestan Earth's interior. Among them oil and gas
deposits take the first place. Oil and gas industry
becomes the most important in economy of Dagestan
Ore mineral resources such as ferrous, nonferrous,
rare and generous metals, chemical raw material and
building materials are prospected and exploited at the
mountain part of republic. Water supply of population
points, industrial and agricultural enterprises is provided
by fresh underground water.
That is why a successful economic development of
republic and creation of stable mineral raw mineral
base needs on intensive improvement of the whole
natural resource into industrial usage. For this aim
necessary to conduct prospective estimation of mineral
resources exploitation and prospecting. This is one of
the main task which may be solved on the basis of
detailed investigations of geological structure, history
of geological development and revelation of regularities
of mineral resources location. Development of
main agricultural branches such as cattle-breeding and
viticulture also is important task.
Dagestan is seaside republic and last tens an actual
problem became flooding of plain part, that is
stipulated by lifting of the Caspian Sea level. This
phenomena leads toshortening of agricultural areas
intensification of seashore abrasion and distraction of
roads and economic objects at the coastal zone.
In order to integrated solution above and other problems
as wellas for prospective planning of republic
development versatile, objective and operative
information on natural resources, environment and
economy. For this purpose data banks and
knowledge base are compiled.
One of the information sources is remotely sensed
data including into bank as raster layers of airborne and
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996