Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

satellite images especially multispectral such as Landsat- 
TM, JERS-1 (OPS) and Resurs-F. Application of Russian 
high resolution (1-5 m) satellite images as KFA-1000, 
KVR-1000, TK-350, KFA-30 000 is more prospective. 
Operative information particularly at the regional level is 
most fully represented on satellite images. On the basis of 
different scales remotely sensed data various thematic 
maps are compiled which provide investigation of area at 
the different generalization levels. 
The second type of necessary information are 
cartographic materials including as vector layers such as 
geological, geomorphologic, mineral resources (ores, 
hydrocarbons, building materials), Quaternary deposits, 
soils, vegetation, topographic, landscape, economic, 
medical-biological and others maps. 
The third type information is statistic data on 
environment, economy, natural resources, infrastructure 
These three types of data form bank which is a basis 
of Integrated GIS. An important problem is elaboration of 
data organizing structure which could provide their easy 
input, saving accuracy and informative content, as well as 
provide rapid and efficient spatial data processing. 
Special data structure was created for GIS which permits 
toexecute different operations providing both 
geographic representation and spatial analysis. Two types 
of this analysis may be realized under GIS: 
1) Cartographic simulation based on coordinates and grid 
cells processing; 
2) topologic simulation based on logistic interrelations of 
point, linear and area objects. 
For creation of territorial (republican) GIS systems 
GeoDraw 2.0 and GeoGraph under Windows (version 1), 
elaborated by Center of Geoinformative Research of 
Russian Academy of Sciences were used. GeoDraw is 
vector editor and intend to compile base of digital maps 
and plans, accordingly to requirement of current GIS. 
Editor intend to work on IBM - compatible computers 
with graphic adapter VGA/SVGA and corresponding 
color monitor. GeoGraph allows to produce electronic 
atlases and composition maps on the basis oflayers of 
digital maps and connected with them tables 
ofattributes, to make electronic thematic mapping, to 
manipulate of the scale on the monitor as well as 
execute information/inquiry functions. Under preparation 
of vector digital maps system GeoDraw is used for 
input, editing, transformation and convertation to 
GeoGraph system format as well as to other GIS 
(ARCINFO, SPANS, INDRISI, ArcCad and others). 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 
- forecast of flooding areas caused by uplift of the 
After determination of GIS project aims and tasks the witl 
work was realized at several stages. z66 
I stage. Projecting and creation of data base consist of spac 
following operations: 
- input of spatial cartographic and remotely sensed data; 
- editing and creation of topology; 
- input of attribute data; 
- preliminary data processing including transformation to 
certain cartographic projection. 
II stage. Interpretation of remotely sensed data and | 
compilation of preliminary thematic maps. 
III stage. Analysis and preparation of cartographic data 
and execution of spatial operations, estimation 
of acquired results. 
IV stage. Presentation of results as graphic documents - 
maps; schemes, as well as text description 
including tables. | 
As the result of work the complete set of electronic maps 
was created based on Integrated GIS included the 
following thematic maps on environment and natural 
resources of the Dagestan: landscape, geological, mineral 
resources, forecasting of hydrocarbons, topographic, 
vegetation, soils, administrative regions, infrastructure, 
geomorphologic zonation, agricultural, landslide danger, 
hydronet, dynamics of the Caspian sea shore line at 1975- 
The first experience on application of electronic maps 
complete set have allowed to evaluate environmental state 
and spy on landscape dynamics at the plain part of the 
Dagestan under influence of the Caspian sea level uplift. 
Above complete set of maps allows to realize the 
following works on solution of economic and ecological 
- land use inventory; 
- compile the economic and geographic characteristics of 
separated administrative regions; 
- conduct structural-tectonic zonation; 
- reveal areas under mudrust danger at mountain regions; 
- reveal areas of landslide processes development along 
the Caspian sea shores; 
Caspian sea level up to 5 and more meters; 
- execute of ecological examination at the regions 

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