Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

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measured by GPS as 80°50,201'N and 57°29,513'E. We ought 
to note that there is a theory about the existence of two small 
islands near the southern coast of Ziegler Island, which is based 
on the analysis of aerial photographs (Govorukha, Mikhalenko 
1964; cited from Grosswald 1973). We saw only one islet there. 
The inspection of the present state of 17 geodetic signals 
showed that more than half of them do not exist any more, 
several have been destroyed or are being destroyed by strong 
winds and other agents. Precision spirit leveling was carried out 
at Bell, Hall, Hayes, Komsomolskiy and Ziegler islands, and 
present elevations h, of 5 geodetic spots and 2 bench marks 
were measured with relation to the current sea level. 
Subsequently, corrections were introduced, taking into account 
the difference V j between the current and multiyear mean 
levels of the Barents Sea recorded at the tidal station on Hayes 
Island and calculated on the basis of archival data acquired at 
the Krenkel station and at the Direction of Hydrometeorological 
Service, Dikson (Annual data...). Corrected elevations H i 
were compared with elevations H o; Which had been recorded 
40 years before, and differences AH ; Were calculated in 
accordance with the following expression 
AH,-h *V,-H, 
j» Where 
V, = Po; - Po; =D; +0 = Po 
with Do js Do j denoting, respectively, current sea level and 
multiyear mean sea level, both related to the tidal datum of the 
tidal station; D; is the current reading on a tide staff related to 
the staff 's zero point and Ô is a reduction value reducing sea 
level to the tidal datum. The results of calculations using 
Do; 7 0.88 m are given in the table below. 
Table. Recent changes in elevations measured in FJL 
i| Station o2 m V, ,m | AH, m Wind 
dir., m/s 
est. year 
1| Ziegler 81.4 - 0.02 - Calm 
gs * 1950s 
2 Bell 17.9 - 0.07 - 0.06 SW 2 
g.s ** 1950s 
3 | Hall/Littr 8.6 +0.17 - 0.69 ENE 3 
g. s. ** 1950s 
4 | Hayes 54.7 +016 | -0.20 NNE 4 
gs * 1950s 
5 | Komsol. 40.2 - 0.02 -24 EF. 9 
gs. * 1950s 
6| Hayes 12.0 +0.04 - 0.12 NE 4 
bm N2** 1969 
7| Hayes 4.8 +0.04 - 0.09 Calm 
bm N4** 1977 
*)single-run; **)double-run. 
Measurements were carried out using a N3 precision instrument 
and a 4-meter leveling rod and were characterized by a 
maximum section length of 1,200 m and maximum closures of 
I9 mm. A single error in writing results prevented the 
calculation of A H ; for the geodetic signal on Ziegler Island, 
where only a single-run was done by leveling. Steady results of 
measurements at other stations show the present subsidence of 
the islands and indicate the isocatabatic surface to be tilted from 
the west to the east, which corresponds to earlier observations. 
There might be a relationship between these vertical motions 
and the recent destruction of ice shelves in FJL. Unfortunately, 
we have no ready mechanism explaining the character of such 
vertical movements, but, nevertheless, the present results are of 
fundamental significance and served as an important aid in 
photogrammetric mapping. 
Satellite image maps presenting all surface details in their real 
appearance with the addition of conventional graphic elements 
are ideal for depicting high arctic areas, where natural features 
are predominant, complicated socio-economic objects are 
scarce, the relief is mostly homogeneous, and vegetation cover 
is negligible. They can be produced relatively quickly and at 
low cost, if done on a standard PC. 
5.1 Digital mono- and stereoplotting 
Image mapping of FJL was performed with reasonable accuracy 
and within a relatively short period of time at the Department of 
Remote Sensing, Image Processing and Cartography, TU Graz, 
by means of digital mono- and stereoplotting on the PC-based 
photogrammetric microstation. Fragments from spaceborne and 
aerial photographs were initially digitized with different spatial 
resolutions and were enhanced to a similar extent so as to 
provide comparable scales and interpretabilities of input data. 
Thus, spaceborne KATE-200 images digitized with a spatial 
resolution of 1250 DPI have a ground resolution of 25 m, which 
is the same as that of SAR digital imagery. Digitizing of 
spaceborne KFA-1000 images with 2500 DPI and aerial 
photographs with 300 DPI also provided digital data suitable for 
joint analysis. The image set was subjected to further geometric 
homogenization by means of image rectification and by 
reducing all image fragments to the normal case using "DVR", 
"ERDAS", and "PHOTOMOD" softwares. 
Several fragments from KATE-200 photographs were combined 
in an image mosaic, and photo coordinates were transformed 
into the Gauss-Kriiger coordinate system with a reference to the 
available topographic maps. Two small fragments from quick 
looks of LANDSAT and SPOT imagery were included in the 
mosaicking to cover some blank spots. The planimetric 
accuracy of this controlled mosaic covering the whole FJL 
archipelago is characterized by an rmse value of ' 125 m, 
which was checked with ground control data by an independent 
Digital stereoplotting was performed using "DVP" and 
"PHOTOMOD" softwares. Several aerial stereopairs and only 
one stereomodel from the KFA-1000 photographs were needed 
to cover the Hall Island test area, and one stereomodel from 
KATE-200 imagery was used for digital terrain modeling of the 
central part of FJL (Ziegler Island). Once the stereomodels had 
been set in place and oriented, precise three-dimensional 
measurements of topographic features were made, followed by 
computer-assisted drawings. Contouring in glacial areas 
combined with local interpretation of both optical and radar 
imagery did not bring about the essential difficulties we had 
expected and actually was even more convenient than 
contouring in rocky areas affected by shadows. 3 DTMs and 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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