Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

Figure 3. One of final cartographic products 
several orthoimages were created in semi-automatic mode and 
represented in both graphic and realistic halftone forms. The 
relatively small area of the islands, the low elevations, the dense 
net of reliable ground control points and permanent referencing 
to the sea level, which is well defined by the ice floes, improve 
the accuracy of stereoplotting and the final products. 
5.2 Final cartographic products 
Several image maps of FJL were completed, edited and printed 
during the period of 1994-1996. All maps are presented in 
Gauss-Krüger projection with necessary toponyms. Dimensions 
of the ellipsoid of Krasovskiy were used, and elevations of 
photogrammetric points are given with respect to the current 
level of the Barents Sea. The graphical precision of the printed 
maps is usually between 0.2 and 0.5 mm at publication scale. 
A combined image-line map covering the whole FJL 
archipelago generated by means of monoplotting on the basis of 
KATE-200 photographs was printed in four colors at 1:600,000 
scale. The map is generally designed for touristic purposes; its 
legend includes islands, glaciers, ice-free areas, spot elevations 
and the most interesting historical and touristic spots. It contains 
221 geographic names, both Russian and English, of all large 
islands, straits and bays, capes and scientific stations. There are 
several pages of text attached describing the high arctic 
environment in FJL and the history of its exploration. 
A satellite basic contour map of Ziegler Island with surrounding 
areas in the central part of FJL was printed in six colours at 
1:100,000 scale with a contour interval of 50 meters. Different 
kinds of shorelines are presented: ice-free and icy shores, 
precipitous and sloping, steady and changing banks. All 
elevations given were compiled photogrammetrically and 
checked via ground control. The elevation accuracy is 
characterized by the rmse of m 17.5 meters. A new kind of 
combined image-line map was created by overlaying the digital 
contour map of Ziegler Island on a digital fragment of an ERS-1 
radar image, which was appropriately transformed beforehand. 
The advantage of such an approach is that thematic 
glaciological information about the distribution of different 
glacial zones, which can be distinguished in SAR imagery, can 
be combined with conventional topographic information. The 
combined map is printed at 1:200,000 scale in order to diminish 
inaccuracies arising from the overlay procedure. 
A combined image-line map of Hall Island-Cape Tegetthoff 
Was prepared at 1:50,000 scale on the basis of KFA-1000 
stereophotographs with a ground resolution of 5 meters. Apart 
from the tick marks of normal geographic coordinates the map 
also features a geodetic grid. The image map covers an area of 
17x13 square kilometers and reveals the beautiful nature of that 
site in ten colors. The original size of the map sheet is 640x465 
mm? . A small-size black-and-white copy of this map is given 
in Figure 3. Several sketch maps were drafted for the same test 
area by means of comparison between aerial and spaceborne 
Photographs in order to show the drastic retreat of glacial 
borders and essential changes in shorelines which have occurred 
in the course of the past 40 years. One of them printed at 
original scale of 1:15,000 has already been shown in Figure 1. 
A wide range of useful features as well as the attractive 
appearance, cost-efficiency and up-to-detains of our satellite 
image maps make them an ideal basis for scientific and 
administrative activities in the FJL archipelago. Obviously, PC- 
based mapping technology can not compete with a complex 
cartographic/photogrammetric workstation, but its cost 
efficiency, relative simplicity and rapid access to results ensure 
the popularity of such approach among the broad research 
community. Further terrestrial topographic investigations using 
mobile devices for accurate 3-dimensional positioning are 
needed in order to verify our determinations and to extrapolate 
them over the whole archipelago. Nevertheless, the present 
results are of fundamental significance and could serve as an 
important aid in the photogrammetric mapping of the whole 
Russian Arctic territory at 1:200,000 scale to be carried out in 
the scope of the New State Cartographic Program. 
We want to express our profound gratitude to 
Prof. Dr. G. Brandstätter from the Institute of Applied Geodesy 
and Photogrammetry, TU Graz for his valuable contribution 
inspiring and supporting the whole project and Ing. W. Krämer 
from the same institute for his kind technical assistance. 
Dr. A. Sharov warmly thanks his brave and skilled partners 
Ing.-hydrographer P. Kovalenko and Stud.-hydrologist S. 
Teliatnikov who took part in field work, Mr. V. Bugaev, the 
director of Krenkel station, FJL for his hospitality and all other 
colleagues for their sincere help and cooperation. 
Annual data on seawater regime. Barents Sea, 1971-1990. Part 
I, Vol. 3, Murmansk (in Russian) 
Atlas of the Arctic, 1985. GUGK, Moscow, 204p. 
Barr S., ed. 1995. Franz Josef Land. NPI, Oslo, 175p. 
Dowdeswell J.A.et al., 1994. Evidence for floating ice shelves 
in Franz Josef Land, Russian High Arctic. Arcic and Alpine 
Research, 26 (1), pp. 86-92. 
Grosswald M.G. et al, 1973. Glaciers of Franz Josef Land. 
Nauka, Moscow, 352p. (in Russian). 
Kostka R, Sharov A.L, 1996. Interpretation of several European 
glacial areas in spaceborne photographs and radar imagery. In: 
Proc. of the 15th EARSel Symposium, Basel - Progress in 
Environmental Remote sensing research and Applications, Ed. 
E.Parlow, A.A.Balkema, pp. 203-212 . 
Matishow G.G. et al., ed. 1993. Environment and Ecosystems 
of the Franz Josef Land (Archipelago and Shelf). Kola 
Scientific Centre, Apatity, 262p. 
Vinogradov O.N., Psareva T.V., 1965. Catalogue of Glaciers in 
Franz Josef Land. Hydrometeoizdat, Moscow, 144 p. (in 
Webster's New Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1996. Black 
Dog&Leventhal Publishers, New York 1639 p. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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