Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

from 0° to 360° (from the East to the West from 
the standpoint of terrestrial understanding) and 
for the latitudes +90°. There are several 
reference catalogs significantly differing in the 
accuracy. Today on the whole the control 
network of Mars consists of 9,292 control 
points which have been identified in 2,479 
images of the planet. The accuracy is 326 km for 
plane position and 0.25+2.1 km - for elevations 
(Neukum and Tarnopolsky, 1990; Atlas..., 
1992). Only classic projections are used for the 
maps. The map arrangement is rather diverse, 
and especially for the maps with the global 
coverage. As for their content it is possible to 
subdivide the already available maps in topo- 
graphical maps, photomaps (photomosaics), 
outline maps, synthetic maps, maps with the 
relief presentations by shading technology, 
thematic (e.g. of albedo, geophysical maps and 
others) and special maps. For Mars there exist 
digital cartographic products as well. Those are 
developed within the framework of the Planetary 
Data System (PDS). 
A scheme of the map support of the MARS-96 
mission given in Fig.1 has resulted from the 
analysis of the available information. We mark 
out three main trends and, namely, the science, 
education and formation of the public opinion. 
For their development the creation of certain 
cartographic products is required. Both the 
fundamental and the applied research are 
required for the science including presentation 
of the level of the cartographic state of study. 
For the education, delivery of corresponding 
information to such groups of users as students, 
pupils and amateurs should be foreseen first of 
all. Finally to form the public opinion that plays 
a considerable role when defining the financing 
of space projects, the necessity to advertise not 
only the project itself but to promote the results 
obtained within its implementation should be 
Science Education Public information 
Fundamental Applied State of study fo Mission 
research research advertising 
(flight Schools 
Amateurs Advertising 
of results 
Thematic Special Sketch Prospects | 
maps maps maps Booklets Photos 
Calendars Brochures 
Placards etc. 
Global level | Atlas, Part I Demonstration wall maps | Globes 
Regional Atlas, Part II Complex mapping 
Local level |Atlas, Part III Complex mapping Models 
Fig.1. A scheme of cartographic support 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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