Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

tudes there is an abrupt increase of the scale 
distortion. Consequently it is preferable to use 
the elliptical Mollweide projection for the 
presentation of the surface of a body approx- 
imated by a sphere as a whole. This projection 
provides surface presentation that is easier for 
interpretation. In the Western and Eastern 
European countries this projection is widely 
used for presenting the globe of the Earth as a 
whole. America prefers the Sanson projection. 
However, recently they have begun to use the 
Hammer projection being an average between 
the isocylindrical projection and the sinusoidal 
Today the basic map is compiled using Moll- 
weide projection for the first Part of Mars Atlas. 
The map presents relief by contours and a 
system of conventional signs which was 
developed by compiling "Atlas of Terrestrial 
Planets and their Moons" (1992). Such a relief 
presentation makes it possible to reference 
thematic (special) information to the real relief. 
At the same time it does not prevent from 
perceiving this information. Besides this map, a 
series of Mars thematic maps is prepared for 
Atlas of the Terrestrial Planets and their Moons. 
1992. Moscow State University for Geodesy 
and Cartography (MIIGAiK), Moscow, pp. 1- 
Blunck, J., 1993. Der rote Planet in Kartenbild 
(200 Jahre Marskartographie von Herschel, 
Beer und Maedler bis zur CD), Justus Perthes 
Verlag, Gotha, pp. 1-132. 
Complex Atlas of the Moon. MIIGAIK, 
Moscow, in print. 
Gazetteer of  Cartography, 1988,  Nedra, 
Moscow, 427 p. 
Greeley,R., 1990. Mars Landing Site Catalog, 
NASA Reference Publication 1238, 195 p. 
Greeley,R. and Batson, R.M., 1990. Planetary 
Mapping. Cambridge, 80 p. 
Neukum, G., and Tarnopolsky, V., 1990. 
Planetary mapping - the Mars cartographic 
data base and a cooperative camera project for 
1994. Geo-Inf. System J., 3(2), pp. 20-29. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 
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