Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

procedure is to be carried out at server level as an 
input data base creation task. 
Updation of each map layer (one for each feature, viz, 
road network, elevation, annotations, and other 
cultural features) is done at the photogrammetric 
client, once all the required information is available. 
DEM generation is the first step to be performed, in 
case it is not available or the available DEM is not a 
recent one. DEM is generated, using the IRS-1C PAN 
stereo pair and a few GCPs, with the help of an 
orbit/attitude model, automatic conjugate point finding 
algorithms and space intersection [IRS-1C Stereo Data 
Products Team, 1993.]. Then the DEM editing is done 
in real time using stereo display, image draping and 
image processing concepts. Hence a powerful CPU at 
the client end is a minimum requirement. The DEM 
also can be obtained by the external sources like by 
digitising map, or previously derived from stereo pairs 
etc. After having DEM an orthoimage is generated 
using the image data and the corresponding ground to 
image transformation model. The generated 
orthoimage will form as the base information for the 
map sheet to be updated. Now using the DEM, model 
(in back ground), orthoimage, the desired map layers 
can be freshly obtained using 3D feature coding and 
online editing. This involves stereo display, image 
processing concepts like automatic topographic 
feature identification, edge detection, image 
classification and several other functions like vector to 
raster conversion, vector raster overlay, contouring 
etc. All the map layers created at client will be stored 
in a local database. 
Verification (automatic and manual, some times 
ground verification of obtained features), validation, 
editing and labeling is performed for all the derived 
layers before updating the database. A number of 
tools are required here finally. These include 
annotation generation, symbolisation, data conversion 
routines etc. Standard data formats like DVD1 and 
DVD2 are to be used throughout, so that the inputs 
and outputs are compatible with those of Survey Of 
India (SOI) standards. Finally all the map verified 
layers can be transferred to the server and then the 
main database will be updated with these layers. A 
separate map compilation, map drawing software is 
used to make the paper prints of final updated maps. 
As an integrated version, this system has a multi-user 
environment, where at a given time 2 to 3 users 
simultaniously can work on different map sheets or on 
different layers of the same map sheet. Each client 
has its own database. There is no client to client 
communication planned, which may hamper the 
system performance. All the final layers of the map 
are compiled at server for map making/ updation. 
For the above described procedure the various 
important functionalities/ software elements required 
are as follows: 
3.1. Data Ingest 
This is done through cartridges, CD-ROMs or from 
DAT devices. Different input data sets can be (a) 
stereo pairs/triplets , (D) DEM derived from external 
source or digitized from a scanned map (c) GCPs (d) 
map/image database (e) required layers of map 
information and (f) other ancillary information for 
image rectification/orientation. Data conversion 
routines,  digitiser/scanner software, database 
extraction/ updation are the main software elements. 
3.2. Models 
Models for DEM generation and image correction 
with or without GCPS are required in the system. 
Two different models are available currently. The first 
one uses the space resection for updating the 
satellite orientation and space intersection technique 
to generate 3D ground co-ordinate of a given 
conjugate point [IRS-1C Stereo Data Products Team, 
1993. ,Rebanta Mitra etal, 1994.]. Modified 
collinearity conditions are the basic equations in this 
model. As a second model (for refining both satellite 
orientation and the derived DEM) a bundle adjustment 
software developed jointly by Space Applications 
Centre and German Aerospace Research 
Establishment (DLR), Germany is used [Gopala 
Krishna, B., 1994.]. In this approach DEM is 
computed in a combined solution for GCP 
coordinates, conjugate point coordinates and 
orientation parameters of the stereo pair imageries. In 
addition to these two models image-to-ground and 
ground-to-image transformations and image 
resampling are part of this software for generating 
the final corrected images. Several height 
interpolation algorithms are inbuilt in the system for 
generating regular grid of DEM from a set of irregular 
DEM points. 
3.3 Stereo Display Related Functions 
Stereo display related functions are required at 
several places like (a) GCP identification (b) conjugate 
point verification, (c) DEM editing and (d) 3D feature 
coding. The related software elements are (i) stereo 
display, (ii) epipolar image creation, (iii) floating 
cursor and its positioning, (iv) DEM editing and 
feature coding, (v) height interpolation, (vi) point 
height measurements etc. These functions are 
implemented on R-4000 based workstation and are 
tested with several data sets of SPOT PLA and IRS- 
1C PAN data. 
3.4. Conjugate Point Finding 
This is an important task in automatic/semi- 
automatic way of DEM generation on a digital 
photogrammetry workstation. This has several 
components like interest operator, digital correlation, 
local mapping and blunder detection. In this system 
a hierarchical automatic point matching technique 
based on an interest operator followed by an area 
based correlation is implemented. Hierarchical 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 
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