Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

approach helps in reducing the search area size for 
correlation, in turn reducing the overall computation 
time. Interest operator selects candidate points for 
matching at each pyramid of the hierarchy. There are 
total three pyramids in the approach, starting from 
resolution/4, resolution/2 and the full resolution 
image. At each pyramid interest operator is applied on 
one of the images and the approximate coordinates of 
these points in the other image is obtained through a 
local mapping on the previous level's conjugate 
points. However system needs some seed points, 
which are identified manually at the first stage (or at 
the highiest level of the pyramids). The procedure 
continues till the last level i.e up to the full resolution. 
The number of points matched in the last level are the 
final list of conjugate points for DEM generation. A 
number of inbuilt checks on the reliability of the 
match points are implemented. 
3.5. Image Processing Functions 
Apart from the simple image processing functions like 
image display, roam, zoom, pixel dump, enhancement 
and filtering, specific functions like (a) automatic 
cartographic feature identification techniques using 
pattern recognition methods (b) cartogrphic feature 
dependent enhancements (c) image classification 
using contexual and texture features and (d) data 
merging are envisaged. In this list many are already 
available, development is being carried out towards 
the cartographic feature dependent enhancements. 
3.6. Perspective DEM and Image Draping 
For DEM editing online and for other terrain analysis, 
draping of image on to the DEM is required. The tools 
required here are (a) online DEM editing, (b) 
perspective DEM plots (c) 2D feature coding or data 
capture (d) image draping on DEM (e) image 
rectification using warping methods, (f) flight 
simulation/flight path generation, (g) z-tracing and (h) 
image and DEM mosaicking. 
3.7. Analysis Tools 
In addition to the above functions, the terrain analysis 
tools like (a) slope, aspect, volume and surface area 
computations, (b) Line of sight computation, (c) 
contouring and (d) delineation of linear features like 
drainage lines from DEM etc. are also required 
[ISROGIS Design Team, 1993.]. 
3.8. Final Map Layer Preparation and Updation 
This mainly deals with creation and verification of 
different map layers and interactive editing and final 
compilation for printing. Different format conversions, 
compilation and comparision with existing layers, line 
linking and thinning are the elements required here. 
The implementation of the proposed methodology 
imposes four basic requirements on the system 
4.1 Stereo Display 
This comprises of hardware on the display monitor 
and viewing glases and related software for 
switching the monitor to stereo mode as a minimal 
element. This facility is required at all the basic 
stages of processing, viz, registration, DEM 
evaluation, DEM editing, and spatial/cartographic 
feature extraction. Further facilities/ functionalities 
like floating cursor, z-tracing etc., for stereo 
measurements have to be implemented using a 
stereo display software library. 
4.2 Texture Mapping 
Texture mapping (TM) is the process of 
projecting/visualizing a 3-dimensional phenomenonon 
a 2D surface under different viewing geometry and 
illumination conditions [Paul S. Heckbert, 1986.]. TM 
also comprises of a hardware component and 
associated software libraries. The basic concept of 
DEM generation involves relating the stereo 
pair/triplet to the object space (terrain). Therefore T 
the implementation of any modeling algorithm 
becomes very efficient, simple and elegant, when 
built around the TM concept.The editing of DEM 
again involves the projection on 2D display of a 3D 
process. In this sense the overlay of any 
topographic/cartographic theme on a stereo pair or 
DEM has to be performed through TM. The updation 
of any layer of map involves visual display of that 
layer draped on the DEM or overlaid to be viewed in 
stereo mode for interactive feature extraction, editing 
and updation. 
4.3 Integrated IP-GIS 
The map updation involves an intermixing of image 
processing and GIS functionalities as we have to 
consider both the GIS map layer and the remote 
sensing (RS) imagery on a common platform for the 
efficient extraction of topographic features. This 
leads to the requirement of a software which can 
handle both vector based typical GIS operations like 
proximity, union, intersection and raster based typical 
IP operations like edge/line detection, and area and 
size measurements, with equal ease, viz, an 
integrated IP-GIS in terms of functionality. 
4.4 Database Driven and OODBMS 
Topomaps are moving from paper to digital form 
handled by a GIS. The current and future trend is to 
exploit the state-of-art in information technology and 
enhance maps to provide various levels of 
information at the click of a button - namely the 
Multi-media extension. To handle such maps the 
traditional Relational Databases have to be replaced 
by Object Oriented Databases . 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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