Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

Table 1. Calibrated stereomodel of Rusko, Tampere, Finland. Systematic errors and standard deviations in various point classes, a) 
Combined test results of six stereo-operators who represent good measuring practice. Shadow means object's own shadow. 
Systematic Standard Systematic — Standard | Systematic Standard 
error deviation error deviation error deviation 
[mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] 
Ditch -113 60 
Lane centre line 45 49 
Street centre line -37 48 
Embankment -40 44 
Top of curb (no shadow) -40 43 
Paved yard -22 52 
Sand road 48 28 } 
Rock outcrop -17 50 ! 
Grass area -35 34 n 
Other ground -36 32 
Edge of pavement -20 43 
(no shadow, foot of curb) 
Forest ground -3 45 
Edge of pavement -19 38 , 
(with shadow, foot of curb) 
Edge of pavement (no curb) -23 32 
Ploughed land -9 38 
Lawn -20 32 
Top of curb (with shadow) -12 31 
Gravel 12 28 
Sand 1 23 
Targeted control point 1 11 -7 10 13 25 
Manhole 12 22 1 17 -5 33 Figt 
Well-defined roof structure 4 26 -8 21 -12 45 star 
Curb line 3 27 47 18 -15 26 em 
Car electricity post 22 18 -20 19 -58 70 
Electric distribution box 19 26 -12 24 -9 37 
Painted street centre line 22 20 8 29 -30 47 
Railing 28 31 -5 24 -17 55 The 
Post -10 45 -5 33 -108 50 calil 
Other roof structure 1 46 -16 36 -30 78 proc 
Fence post 14 41 32 50 -20 164 conr 
Wall 18 61 -16 43 -63 162 mr 
Short post 39 36 80 46 -207 91 defc 
Building foundation 41 69 -30 67 -15 42 of 
Training of stereo-operators measuring program brings the measuring marks near the test the 
points and the trainee sets and stores the coordinates and/or the stere 
Training of stereo-operators seems to be an important way in height. Then the measurements are processed and analysed to calil 
which corrective measures can be taken to improve mapping find out possible problem areas and to establish the trainees reco 
accuracy. Modification of survey standards and instructions starting level. The other way is arranged so that immediately (The 
may give reasons to train experienced operators, too. One after the measurement the program shows the correct position 199: 
stereomodel of the Rusko area is reserved for training and the trainee can then learn the correct way to point at the mpi 
purposes. There are two possibilities to organize a training test points. defo 
session. One way is like the stereo-operator's test, where the n 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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