Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

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Fig. 3: Arrangement for map surface, map frame and 
marginal elements for a sheet, based on Sinusoidal 
Projection. Latitude range: 81 ?- 83? north. 
Fig. 4: Arrangement for map surface, map frame and 
marginal elements for a sheet, based on Lambert 
Azimuthal Projection. Latitude range: 85 °- 87° north. 
A professional folding concept is also part of this map 
layout. The map sheet will be divided in seven parts in 
width and three parts in height, resulting in a handy size 
of 11.86 x 23.33 cm for the folded map. This allows 
optimal handling and storage characteristics. 
Fig. 5: Folding concept for the new map series 
This concept incorporates the advantage of further space 
for a an efficient design for a separate front page. Further- 
more this concept offers additional space on the backside 
of the folded map for necessary informations with regard 
to a »quick look« to editors, publishers, copyright, general 
technical notes and the maps purpose. 
As a compromise concerning the costs for reproduction it 
is accepted to allow additional printing forms and impres- 
sions (1 - 4 colors) for the backside of a sheet in favour of 
the above mentioned advantages. 
The complete production line for this map series is layed 
out as an entirely digital process. It comprises all carto- 
graphic processing steps such as compilation and nomen- 
clature of the map content, the determination and place- 
ment of graphical elements (all names and symbols) 
within the mapped area, and the reproduction of the 
whole map frame and all the marginal elements, with its 
individual features, for every map sheet. The major part of 
the cartographic software has already been developed 
and successfully tested. 
The »Topographic Image Map MARS 1: 200 000« was 
presented for the first time at the 7th meeting of the Pho- 
togrammetry and Cartography Working Group (PCWG) in 
Munich, as part of the HRSC/WAOSS Co-Investigator 
Team Meeting, on October 2 and 3, 1995. Mock-ups of 
selected sheets from different latitude ranges were dis- 
played. The disign principles of this map series were 
generally accepted by the Working Group. Thus this lay- 
out will be the guideline for future mapping activities on 
planet Mars. 
Albertz, Jórg; Lehmann, Hartmut; Mehlbreuer, Alfred; Schol- 
ten, Frank; Tauch, Rüdiger, 1988: Herstellung hochauf- 
lósender Satelliten-Bildkarten durch Kombination multisen- 
soraler Datensátze. Internationales Jahrbuch für Karto- 
graphie, Band 28, 1988, pp. 11-27. 
Albertz, Jórg; Ebner, H.; Heipke, C.; Neukum, G.; Scholten, 
F., 1992a: The Camera Experiments HRSC and WAOSS on 
the Mars '94 Mission. Internat. Archives of Photogrammetry 
and Remote Sensing, Washington D.C., USA, Vol. XXIX, 
Part B1, pp. 130-137. 
Albertz, Jórg; Lehmann, Hartmut; Tauch, Rüdiger, 1992b: 
Herstellung und Gestaltung hochauflósender Satelliten-Bild- 
karten. Kartographische Nachrichten 42, pp. 205-213. 
Albertz, Jórg; Lehmann, Hartmut; Scholten, Frank; Tauch 
Rüdiger, 1992: Satellite Image Maps - Experience, Pro- 
blems, Chances. Internat. Archives of Photogrammetry and 
Remote Sensing, Washington D.C., USA, Vol. XXIX, Part 
B4, pp. 309-314. 
Albertz, Jórg, 1993: Merging Graphical Elements and Image 
Data in Satellite Image Maps. Proceedings Workshop and 
Conference: International Mapping from Space, Hannover, 
pp. 265-271. 
Albertz, Jórg; Ebner, Heinrich; Neukum, Gerhard, 1996: The 
HRSC/WAOSS Camera Experiment on the Mars96 Mission 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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