Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

So the user can decide whether he wants to order a 
product or not. Ordering can also be performed online. 
Data transfer via network is only possible for selected 
datasets, as the actual available (and payable) 
bandwidth does not allow the transmission of high 
resolution data products with 100 Mbyte and more each. 
ISIS offers additional user support by an Infoboard with 
text information, software tools, and a Thesaurus 
ISIS will also be the technological backbone of a 
commercial spin off. The newly founded German 
company Euromap, a GAF daugther, holding the 
distribution rights for Indian high resolution satellite 
images over Europe, will use an ISIS derivate as 
commercial distribution system. 
The situation in the Earth observation ground segment in 
Europe is very diverse and inhomogenious. It is based 
mainly on investments made by national space agencies, 
ESA and Eumetsat. However, by the end of the century 
there will be a significant increase in the number of Earth 
observation satellites. This will result in Terabytes of data 
a week. These data have to be made available and 
transformed into information of use to policy makers, 
industrialists and scientists. 
If one extrapolates the ,information pollution" on the 
Internet on the one hand and the very inhomogenious 
activities in terms of the Earth observation ground 
segment and user services in Europe on the other to the 
comming years then one discovers that some action was 
necessary. To improve the situation the European 
Commission has decided together with its member 
states to establish the CEO programme (EC-JRC, 
CEO is thought to be a ,one stop shopping mall" for 
Earth observation related information and services. To 
further elaborate this example the CEO programme 
would deliver the shops and the infrastructure of the mall 
whereas service providers would move in and determine 
the offers and services. 
The goals of CEO as stated in the concept papers (EC- 
JRC, 1995a) are to stimulate user oriented services 
building on existing facilities and projects by 
e encouraging better communication between 
individual users and between user communities 
e stimulating the creation of high level products 
contributing to improved data standardisation and 
quality assurance 
e promoting the design and operation of decentralised 
data archives, databases and data delivery services 
for Earth observation data and products and relevant 
non space data 
e improving the visibility of Earth observation services 
and expertise 
The CEO programme (see fig. 4) comprises four inter- 
related components (EC-JRC, 1995b): 
e Application Support: stimulates the production of 
information services from Earth observation data, in 
response to customers' needs, thereby drawing more 
customers into the system. 
e User Support: comprises actions and measures 
designed to help CEO participants to use Earth 
observation data to meet their requirements. 
e Enabling services: initiates actions and measures to 
provide software tools and systems to increase the 
exchange and accessibility of meta-data and 
information about Earth observation 
e Monitoring and Coordination Services manages, 
monitors and develops the CEO programme and 
User Support 
Fig. 3: The CEO Programme 
The third component of CEO, the Enabling Services, will 
concentrate on developing toolkits (EC-JRC, 1995c) for 
standard services as „Yellow Pages“, higher level 
subscription services, advertising and dictionaries (see 
fig. 4). As ISIS, the Enabling Services will also build on 
the experience of CINTEX and include the Catalogue 
interoperability protocol. A catalogue interoperability 
gateway toolkit will also be developed. 
Fig. 4. CEO Enabling Services 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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