Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

lines never Cross and seldom touch each other. Inspection of 
some of these regions revealed steep escarpments and cliff- 
like slopes on both sides of numerous short ravines, hence 
indirectly verifying these situations. It is indeed a surprise that 
quality 5-m-contour lines can be measured from stereo imag- 
ery with 13.5m ground resolution. This might be seen as evi- 
dence for a still higher degree of inner consistency in the or- 
der of some 2m standard deviation in height. 
The Bolivia scene covers an extremely rugged, highly moun- 
taineous terrain of the central part of the Andes in the Rio San 
Juan Del Oro region close to the border of Argentina. For this 
scene, where ground control could only be derived from an 
old 1:50,000 topographic map, identifying suitable and clear 
control features both on the map and the imagery turned out to 
be a major problem. Planimetric features on the map could 
only be identified with an accuracy in the range of 10m to 
30m. By virtue of the stereo capability, vertical control could 
be identified and measured within a few meters. Therefore, 
clearly visible spot heights, particularly mountain peaks, are 
extremely well suited for vertical control. This is one of the 
advantages of stereophotogrammetry. In this way, 41 control 
points could be identified. Their digitized map coordinates 
with estimated standard deviations in the order of 0.1mm had 
to be transformed from the original UTM grid to a scene-local 
topocentric cartesian system. Together with 57 measured tie 
points, ORIMOMS succeeded in producing a parallax-free 
stereomodel despite the relatively weak datum. Encouraged by 
the good results obtained from the Australia stereo scene, we 
decided to demonstrate the feasibility of measuring contour 
lines in mountaineous terrain. In an area covering some 10km 
by 25km and with elevation differences in the order of some 
700m, contour lines with 20m interval were measured. The 
final plot in Fig. 7 shows a typical Andean north-south run- 
ning mountain ridge with a few peaks up to 4,300m altitude, 
steep slopes facing west and moderate easterly slopes towards 
a flat depression. Captured under PHOCUS, the data base 
consists of some 400 individual objects encompassing 255,000 
coordinates and requires 2.5 MByte disc space. Visual com- 
parison with the contours in the topographic map mostly 
showed good agreement. 
With the presented system, extensive topographic mapping by 
means of spaceborne three-line stereo imagery is near at hand. 
Map scales of 1:50,000 or larger can be produced by conven- 
tional analytical photogrammetry from 1:350,000 image scale. 
Although stereocompilation of analog photoproducts derived 
from digital image data may be considered an "anachronism", 
nevertheless, its high potential for "conventional" mapping 
and map revision is obvious - at least as long as purely digital 
photogrammetric solutions are still immature or too expensive 
for practical work. MOMS is ready for photogrammetric pro- 
duction expecting stereo image data to be acquired on the 
MIR-Station and made available during the joint Russian- 
German MOMS-2P Priroda-Mission beginning in August 1996 
Dorrer, E., 1994. Von der analytischen und digitalen Stereo- 
auswertung zur interaktiven und automatischen DGM-Gene- 
rierung aus MOMS-02-Bilddaten. In: List (Hrsg.), Vorträge 
13. Wissenschaftlich-technische Jahrestagung der DGPF, 
Band 2, Berlin 1994, pp.131-146. 
Dorrer, E., Maier, W., Uffenkamp, V., 1995a. Analytical Ki- 
nematic Sensor Orientation of MOMS-02 Linear Array Stereo 
Imagery. In: Colomina/Navarro (Eds.), Integrated Sensor Ori- 
entation, Herbert Wichmann Verlag, Heidelberg, 1995, pp. 
Dorrer, E., Maier, W., Uffenkamp, V., 1995b. Stereocompi- 
lation of MOMS-02 Scenes on the Analytical Plotter. Paper 
presented at MOMS-Symposium, Kóln, Germany, July 5-7, 
1995, 16 pages. In press. 
Dorrer, E., Maier, W., Zhou, X., 1995c. Digital Correction 
of Kinematic Image Geometry Due to Nonlinearities of Lin- 
ear-Array-Sensors. Paper presented at MOMS-Symposium, 
Kóln, Germany, July 5-7, 1995, 6 pages. In press. 
Fraser, C., Fritsch, D., Collier, P., Shao, J., 1996. Ground 
point determination using MOMS-02 Earth observation ima- 
gery. Paper presented to 37th Austral. Surv. Congress, 13-19 
April 1996, Perth, 13 pages. 
Fritsch, D., 1994. Synergy of Photogrammetry, Remote Sen- 
sing and GIS - the MOMS Example. Int. Arch. Phot. & Rem. 
Sensing, 30(2), pp. 2-9. 
Kornus, W., Ebner, H., Heipke, C., 1995, Photogrammetric 
Point Determination Using MOMS-02/D2 Imagery. Paper 
preented at MOMS-Symposium, Kóln, Germany, July 5-7, 
1995. In press. 
Seige, P., Meissner, D., 1993. MOMS-02: An advanced high 
resolution multispectral stereo scanner for Earth observation. 
Geo-Informations-Systeme 6(1993)1, pp. 109-120. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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