Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

Area G (Trees and Houses — Houses) 
0.69 3.47 0.15 | 0.07 | 3.99 
2.36 | 2.20 | 4.07 
2:37 1.83 2.64 | 1.48 | 1.84 
Area H (Trees — Bare land and houses) 
-2.71 | -4.93 -2.99|-4.21|-1.28 
-1.18 | -5.17 -0.58|-4.21|-1.94 
It can be seen from these results that in area C and D, difference 
values have positive value and vary larger among divided areas 
when the division become smaller. This can be attributed to the 
fact that the ratio of newly constructed houses is different 
within the small divided areas. On the other hand, area E has no 
land use change in the period but shows mean height changes of 
40.17 to 40.73 m in four division and -0.04 to 41.41 m in nine 
division. These errors are considered to be some mis-matching 
in stereo matching and are compensated by taking the average. 
From this example, we temporarily drew a conclusion that 
appropriate area size is 75 m square and threshold of mean 
height is about 0.8 m for finding changes from bare land to 
2.2.4 Comparison of DEM (1) and (3) — Trial to recognize 
land use by the difference of height data: 
By comparing DEMs of the old photo and of the map, houses 
and school buildings are visualized because height drawn on a 
map is ground height whereas height obtained by matching is 
the height on top of buildings. But it was difficult to get 
meaningful criteria to recognize land use from such statistical 
approach done in as sections 2.2.1 and 2.2.2. This comparison, 
however, should be useful to visualize large buildings and 
houses when normal ground height DEM is readily available. It 
may also suggest the extent of errors of DEM obtained by stereo 
2.3 Discussion 
The comparison of DEMs at different time derived by automatic 
stereo matching gives information of land use change. It was 
found that about 75 meters square is appropriate for the area 
size of taking average for change detection from bare land to 
houses and the threshold is around 0.8 meter. It is still to be 
done to find out appropriate area sizes and threshold criteria of 
mean height change for various kinds of land use change 
If height value at each grid point is much more accurate, we can 
proceed to check the change at each grid point instead of taking 
average of large area. Therefore it is an important issue for this 
research to examine the accuracy of automatic stereo matching. 
We consider the following topics should be studied in this 
regard: (1) to carry out stereo matching using other digital 
photogrammetric instruments or matching softwares and 
examine the accuracy of obtained height value, and (2) to check 
the effect of scanning pitch and scale of aerial photos; the 
height accuracy seems to be improved when sampling pitch on 
the ground is smaller, namely by using large scale aerial photos 
and minute scanning pitch. 
Another issue is to combine every available data source with the 
height data from stereo matching. For example, if height data 
are combined with digital cartographic data with boundary line 
of buildings, then new construction and disappearance of 
houses might be detected one by one. These issues should be 
the research items in the next phase of the study. 
The objective of this method is to utilize color information of 
color aerial photos whenever they are available, for reducing 
human work load in change detection. Change of roads could be 
visualized after several steps of image processing, including 
color reduction, applied to color aerial photo images. 
3.1 Background 
The basic idea was to use color aerial photos and to enhance the 
image by restricting number of colors into very small limited 
number such as 8, 16, 24, or 32. It was found that this color 
reduction can help recognition of change by human operator to 
some extent. It was also found that cubic close-pack algorithm 
was better than popularity algorithm or median cut algorithm as 
color reduction algorithm. But automatic change detection is 
still difficult because color or gradation of aerial photos varies 
by various photographing conditions such as season, time of a 
day and so on, and there is no easy way to establish 
correspondence between colors of photos at different time. 
Based on this experience, we decided to restrict our target here 
to change detection of roads, important objects in a map. Roads 
are considered to have less color variation on image than any 
other objects. The method is to give knowledge by human 
operator to the result of color reduction. 
3.2 Method 
Change detection of roads from color reduction was done as 
follows. Color aerial photos taken in 1979, 1984 and 1992 on a 
scale of 1:10,000 were scanned at 400 dpi resolution. Test site 
was Kodaira city in Tokyo. Number of colors was reduced to 24 
colors by cubic close-pack algorithm. Then the colors 
corresponding to roads were selected manually for image of 
each year. After eliminating salt-and-pepper noise by 
expanding-shrinking and smoothing processing, elimination of 
components other than roads, for example parking areas, was 
executed. This was done as follows. At first labeling was carried 
out according to color code of each pixel. Then label numbers 
of 4-neighbor of a pixel are examined and the number of pixels 
having the same label number was summed up for every pixel in 
a label. The sum was divided by the total number of pixels 
within the label. If this ratio exceeded some threshold value 
(value used were 6.25 - 7.25), the label component was 
regarded as lumps and non-road components. 
Image data of roads was made through these processes for each 
year’s photo. Changes of roads were visualized by comparing 
these data. Although there still remains some errors and noises, 
these images show change of roads clearly. 
3.3 Results and discussion 
The extracted road components of color aerial photos of 1984 
and 1992 are shown in Figure 3 and Figure 4. By overlaying 
these images, change of roads is visualized. As can be seen on 
these figures, there still remains non-road component. By 
comparing them with the original photos, it was found some 
road components disappeared in the final result. Therefore this 
method can be used for fast finding of change of roads but it 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 
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