Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

without having the requirements to cut the original negatives 
on the film roll. The scanning can take place in unattended 
mode. The modular design of SCAI allows its connection to 
various workstations. Scanning does not require special 
photogrammetric knowledge and so can be done by non- 
The digital and automatic aerial triangulation is the youngest 
member in the family of DP-applications (Mayr 1995, Braun et 
al. 1996). It is basically possible to fully automatically tie 
together blocks of images of any constellation and number of 
images. This triangulation task is covered by PHODIS AT. 
Sub-dividing in more convenient sub-block sizes is available. 
Amongst other topics, special attention was paid in PHODIS 
AT to interactive block preparation, the overall user interface, 
and the correlation-based ground control point measurement 
The automatic generation of DTMs has been in daily use for 
several years. In order to improve this process, a special user 
interface was added. PHODIS TS (Dorstel 1995) expands the 
DTM matching capabilities with stereoscopic superimposition 
of the derived DTM and interactive DTM editing. 
Digital orthoprojection helped introduce DP sucessfully. 
Digital orthophotos are imported into GIS and as such form the 
basis of a hybrid data capture method which is called on- 
screen digitizing. In addition to digital orthophotos, called 
orthoimages, PHODIS OP also delivers radiometrically 
balanced mosaics of orthoimages. 
The functionalities of a digital stereoplotter as a 3D-digitizer 
are explained in more detail in the next chapter. Special 
emphasis is placed on those properties which are, from the 
point of view of the authors, of particular relevance to GIS. 
More literature on the PHODIS ST digital stereoplotter is 
found in (Dórstel and Willkomm 1994, Dórstel 1995). 
Monoplotting or on-screen digitizing has been practiced in 
photogrammetry and GIS for some time. It allows data 
acquisition by means of digitizing on top of an orthoimage 
which possesses a simple relation to the world cordinate 
system, e.g. UTM. The orthoimage is then said to be geo- 
referenced. Geo-referenced topographic data sets can be 
superimposed on orthoimages and be reviewed e.g. for 
changes, in an interactive manner. GIS with on-screen 
digitizing capabilities is called hybrid GIS since, as well as 
general purpose information and vector data, the GIS now also 
deals with the raster data set of the orthoimage. If a DTM is 
available and in geo-reference to the orthoimage then a hybrid 
GIS can generate and store on-line an elevation for every 
planimetrically determined location as a function of its easting 
and northing coordinates. 
In addition to all of above mentioned functionalities DP offers 
the application of automated measurement procedures. 
Examples of such are the fully automatic restoration of the 
interior orientation of an aerial image (AIO), see (Schickler 
and Poth 1996), or the fully automatic measurement of 
conjugate image points in order to derive the parameters of the 
relative orientation (ARO), see (Tang et al. 1996). Such 
modules are essential intrinsic components of the 
photogrammetric basis of DP and thus part of PHODIS Base 
which acts as a server to the applications on top of it. Open 
interfaces for data exchange and programming allow users and 
developers to communicate with different software packages. 
This property is used in the combination of DP with GIS. 
3 GIS and Digital Photogrammetry 
Topographic data acquisition is gaining in importance for GIS, 
It is well understood that data acquisition is the most cost 
effective part of running GIS. Therefore it can be accepted for 
economic reasons to integrate photogrammetric data capture 
principles when it comes to the modelling of topography in 
GIS. This is valid if the usage of such a data acquisition system 
is reliable and efficient for the GIS-user. Another important 
issue for GIS is that by using DP, available remotely-sensed 
data can be processed geometrically. DP takes care of the 
specific geometry models underlying various remote sensing 
satellites which may produce images in the visible and / or 
invisible wave spectrum. 
This paper deals with aspects of topographic data acquisition 
in and for GIS. It especially concentrates on 3D-data 
acquisition. So far topographic 3D-data were compiled 
primarily on analytical stereo plotters. These were equipped 
with data capture software especially tailored towards the 
requirements of the photogrammetric community. Data were 
transferred via translator programs from photogrammetric data 
bases to the GIS data base. This process caused expensive time 
consumption and sometimes also loss of information. In order 
to perform 3D-data acquisition easier and more efficiently it 
appears natural to apply GIS itself for the topographic data 
acquisition task. Missing photogrammetric functionalities e.g. 
rectangular closing of houses, compilation of parallel lines by 
either digitzizing or by automatic line following, or the 
automatic extraction of houses will be thrown in by DP as 
selectable modules. 
In the 2D-domain GIS already is used for interactive on-screen 
digitizing in e.g. ATKIS (Dasing 1995, Kophstahl 1995). 
Automating this area is still in the research field (e.g. Heipke 
et al. 1994, Englisch 1995, Mayer 1995). Approaches have 
been made in semi-automatic and automatic data acquisition. 
An example of this is the line following process in large scale 
orthophotos. The preferred procedure is the semi-automatic 
one (Englisch 1995, Mayer 1995) which appeares to deliver 
more reliable results in practical tests. It is interesting that 
these algorithms work on underlying orthoimages. These offer 
the geo-reference in an easy way. Semi-automatic procedures 
require interaction with the user who, for example, sets the 
starting points of a variety of processes for extracting houses or 
line following. These processes are then invoked. They in tum 
will guide the user to all houses and lines found for the 
purposes of validity checking and / or entry of additional 
information needed to continue. Such a procedure has at least 
two advantages. Number one advantage is the fact that the user 
does not have to digitize all objects of interest himself. The 
DP-system takes over the measurement part of this task. Only 
the identification of the objects to be measured has to done by 
the user. Number two advantage is that the measurements are 
objective measurements. 
The expansion of existing GIS to the third dimension has been 
done mostly by attaching a DTM to the GIS. In order to fully 
integrate the third dimension, some people (e.g. Pilouk and 
Kutouiyi 1994, Kraus 1995) propose the use of vertical data 
bases. These appear to guarantee the topology of the data and 
guarantee unambiguity of data also in the vertical direction. In 
general unambiguity is a constraint for 3D-data in GIS. 
When the GIS is used directly as the data acquisition system, 
data transfers from the photogrammetric data base to the data 
base of GIS disappear. This eliminates in an elegant way the 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 
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