Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

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time consumption for running translators and avoids eventual 
losses of information. 
From today's point of view a digital stereo plotter is for GIS 
the ideal system to acquire 3D-data. Besides the floating mark 
control device there is no special hardware required. GIS and 
the digital stereo plotter can be implemented on one and the 
same computer. These are very good starting positions to join 
GIS and DP closely. 
PHODIS ST is the digital stereoplotter within the PHODIS 
product family. It contains a modular and open programming 
interface which already is used by the PHOCUS, CADMAP, 
and MicroStation™-based CADMAP/dgn mapping packages. 
AIO and ARO are standard components of PHODIS ST. The 
interactive measurement of ground control points is supported 
by matching procedures which deliver accuracies of up to one 
tenth of a pixel size. This fulfills photogrammetric accuracy 
requirements. The user can apply in all important image 
orientation steps easy-to-learn automatic program modules. 
Every single module can be integrated into a GIS on request. In 
addition to the orientation steps PHODIS ST also administers 
an arbitrary number of stereo models per project. The main 
purpose of PHODIS ST is stereoscopic display in order to be 
able to acquire metric 3D-data and to superimpose 3D-data. 
The digital stereo plotter described above represents a raw 
stereo device which finally becomes a stereo plotter when 
connected to a 3D-data acgisition system. A more detailed 
description of PHODIS ST can be found in (Dérsel 1995). 
The raw stereo device in PHODIS ST possesses special 
functionalities which make its usage as a 3D-digitizer for GIS 
attractive. These are the on-line Z-correlation, draping, and 
superimposition in transparent mode. These properties will be 
presented in the following chapters. 
3.1 On-line Z-correlation 
Initially the floating mark is set to ground in an oriented stereo 
model. After activating the measuring mode of on-line Z- 
correlation the Z-wheel can be switched off. Changing the 
position of the floating mark in object space by moving the 
floating mark control device, which in PHODIS ST is called 
the P-mouse, contributes one part to the movement of the 
floating mark in the image space. The remaining part of the 
image space movement of the floating mark is caused by the 
result of the Z-correlation. The implemented algorithm is 
based on an adopted and optimized image matching process. 
It is possible that an individual can measure in stereo without 
the requirement to also see stereo. This apparent paradox is 
called OneEyeStereo and is also the name of the on-line Z- 
correlation proprietory to PHODIS ST. OneEyeStereo is 
implemented as a robust algorithm. It can distinguish between 
three states. These are good correlation, acceptable 
correlation and no correlation. The correlation results can be 
visualized on-line as colored floating marks. Such an approach 
can be compared to the states of a traffic light. It cannot be 
guaranteed that OneEyeStereo always will deliver good or 
acceptable correlation results. For this reason it is necesary 
that the user is be able to see stereo and capable of using the 
OneEyeStereo can be used in two different modes, as of now. 
The first operating mode is called move and correlate. The 
user drives to an arbitrary point and switches on-line Z- 
correlation on. The second mode allows continous correlation 
and registration of XYZ where the coordinate triple may be 
accompnied by the attibute good, acceptable, or no 
correlation. OneEyeStereo is integrated in the raw stereo 
device of PHODIS ST. Hence it is available to any connected 
3D-data acquisition system. For GIS-users this represents an 
important improvement towards easier 3D-measurements. The 
previously required capability of the operator to see stereo is 
greatly reduced. 
3.2 Draping 
Draping is the capability to visualize 2D-data in a 
stereoscopically correct superimposition. In order to achieve 
this photogrammetric paradox a DTM is assigned to the stereo 
model. All 2D-data, i.e. eastings and northings, are used as 
arguments for the interpolation of the corresponding 
elevations. The 2D-data are thus draped over the DTM. Using 
this functionality, any 2D-data sets can be stereoscopically 
visualized. The accuracy of the stereoscopic superimposition, 
however, is dependent on the quality of the DTM and, to a 
much lesser extent, on the quality of the model orientation. 
Usually orientation parameters are correct as otherwise there 
would not be a stereo model. As some GIS consider the DTM 
an external data set it is easy to connect it to the raw stereo 
device. There is a generic DTM interface built into PHODIS 
ST which defines the general DTM data access. Basically any 
DTM data can be connected this way to the digital 
stereoplotter. Draping allows simple and efficient DTM 
checking. The planimetric coordinates of a point are used as 
arguments for the Z-interpolation, Zpaw. At the same time the 
floating mark can be set on the ground, either manually or by 
means of OneEyeStereo and one obtains Zmeasurea- The 
difference Zair = Zmeasured - ZboM. gives a measure of the 
quality of the DTM. In GIS this can be applied to assess the 
quality of a DTM by checking single points and evaluating all 
3.3 Superimposition in transparent mode 
When visualizing defined areas in GIS often these areas are 
covered in a transparent mode. This emphasises a particular 
area, for example with a colored tint, but still lets the image 
contents of this area be seen through the overlay. This 
technique is known from thematic cartography. Such a 
visualisation mode puts a tremendous amount of graphics 
performance on a digital stereoplotter. 
4 Conclusions and outlook 
The achieved technical status quo in DP forms a solid position 
for introducing DP as a technology to be applied by GIS for 
3D-data acquisition. The reasons for this are more than that DP 
is implemented on the same computer hardware as is GIS. In 
particular, the automatic procedures, like AIO, ARO, semi- 
automatic GCP measurements, OneEyeStereo, and Draping, 
are the functionalities which give the photogrammetrically 
unskilled GIS user access to 3D-data acquisition and let him 
still use and stereoscopically superimpose his 2D-data sets. 
Photogrammetric tasks like interior, relative, and absolute 
orientations are either fully- or partly automated. Three- 
dimensional measuring is separated into an interactive 
identification step and an automatic determination of the 
coordinates. The combination of 2D-data with available DTM- 
data enables the stereoscopic superimposition of existing 2D- 
GIS-data-sets. This can be used e.g. to check the topographic 
part of a GIS data base for completeness by superimposing it 
over the stereo model. This makes data base updating both 
easier and faster. Increasing demands in the quality of data 
make the elevation a necessary component in GIS. However, in 
order to represent and administer true 3D-coordinates and 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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