Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

where, € is a constant of proportionality, but not defined where 
radius R = 0, and a is the parameter on distance, is able to 
accommodate scale independence observed in urban systems 
through the notions of fractal geometry (Batty and Kim, 1992). 
Given, the limits on the range of (7), the cumulative population 
N(R) associated with the density of p(R) can be modeled as 
NR) = iR (8) 
from which the area A(R) over which density is defined with 
respect to distance R from the centre is given as 
AB) Bein RE (9) 
where a perfect circle of area would have y = x. Both c and y 
are constants of proportionality. Applying the principle of self- 
similarity evident in fractal geometry, it is possible to show that 
the density parameter a is related to the fractal dimension D, 
such that D — (2 - «) and that the cumulative population relation 
can now be rewritten as 
MR) = en” (10) 
where D is the fractal dimension measuring both the extent and 
the rate at which space is filled by urban development with 
increasing distance from the urban centre. From here there are 
two sets of techniques which have been developed for 
estimating the fractal dimension. The first set emphasis space- 
filling (Batty and Kim, 1992), and the second set focuses on 
density attenuation (Mesev et al, 1996). Both are based on 
squared lattices which are easily derived from classified 
remotely-sensed data, but only the second set also generates 
density profiles and will be the one examined in this paper. 
Dimensions and profiles from linear regression 
A well known method which takes into account variance within 
the distributions is to first, linearize the power laws in both (7) 
and (8), and then perform regression to calculate values for C 
and a, c and D respectively. Linearized forms can be expressed 
for both discrete densities p; and cumulative populations, N;, in 
this way 
p; = InG —a ln R, (11) 
= Inc — Din R; (12) 
The slope parameters for both equations measure the rate at 
which density attenuates and population increases, each with 
respect to distance, respectively. Fractal dimensions are 
generated by the intercept parameters, G and c which are, in 
turn, affected by the slope parameters, a and 2 - D, in (11) and 
(12) respectively. It has duly been noted that slope parameters 
may become volatile when confronted with abnormal data sets, 
leading to fractal dimensions that could lie beyond the logical 
limits associated with generalized space-filling, i.e. 1 « D « 2. 
These are considered abnormal, in the sense that data do not 
conform to established linear relationships in both cumulative 
population and discrete density with respect to distance. An 
example of abnormal data would result if physical barriers 
restrict development near the central business district (CBD), 
and in this case, fractal dimensions of over 2 may be possible. 
Similarly, values of less than 1 are possible if “reversals in the 
norm" are encountered. This is when discrete density actually 
increases with distance from the urban centre. Work on 
“constraining” linear regression can be found in Batty and Kim 
(1992) and Mesev et al (1995). 
Empirical application 
The Norwich case study may now be re-started by applying the 
linearized fractal modeling equations (11) and (12) to the 
thematic residential dwelling types produced through 
classification. Hence, the modeling of the measured urban 
remotely-sensed data. 
Table 2 shows the fractal dimensions and the coefficient of 
determination (goodness of fit) for both cumulative and density 
profiles. The dimensions are within the hypothesised 1 « D «2 
range but much lower than those produced using more 
traditional data sources (lists in Batty and Longley, 1994). 
These lower dimensions are due to the fact that the higher 
spatial resolution of remotely-sensed data have been able to 
determine “pockets” of undeveloped residential land within 
settlement boundaries. It means that residential areas are not 
treated as centinuous areas of development but as more discrete 
entities of incremental growth. The residential patterns 
produced are therefore more in line with the way land is 
incrementally apportioned into residential use by planners and 
echoed by idealised fractal growth (Fotheringham et al, 1989). 
Between the four dwelling types, terraced has the highest 
dimension and mirrors conventional centralized tendency in 
British cities. When examining the cumulative and density 
profiles (figure 3), it quickly becomes apparent that the density 
gradients are less than linearized and this is reflected in the 
coefficients of determination in Table 2. Lower r-squared 
values for the density profiles are a symptom of the degree of 
constraints to urban development. These may be physical 
impediments or, as is more likely in the case of Norwich, 
planning restrictions which are an important aspect of British 
settlements. — Nevertheless, the profiles in figure 3 are good 
representations of the ability of remotely-sensed data to 
measure the way urban development varies within a settlement. 
The finer spatial resolutions of satellite images allow more 
detailed intricate variabilities to be highlighted than have yet 
been possible. With temporal comparisons it may be possible 
to evaluate urban changes with respect to estimated levels of 
suburbanisation, decentralisation of economic functions, and 
segregation of urban land uses. 
This paper has demonstrated how interaction between image 
processing, GIS data, and spatial analysis can be applied to the 
measurement and modeling of urban development. What it has 
shown is that residential development can be measured using 
the standard ML classifier, as long as reliable extraneous data, 
preferably handled by a GIS, can be incorporated as 
representative a priori probabilities. Once measured, the 
structure of residential development and the way residential 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 
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