Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

Herr A. M. and L. P. Queen, 1993. Crane Habitat Kushiro Wetland 
Evaluation Using GIS and Remote Sensing. 
Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote 
Sensing, Vol. 59, pp. 1531-1538. 
Masatomi, H., 1993. The Tancho of Kushiro Shitsugen. 
Japanese Society for Preservation of Birds - 
Kushiro, Kushiro, Japan, 34p. 
Masatomi, H., S. Ogawa and K. Miyama, 1990. The 
Relations between Land-cover Monitored by Study Area 
Satellite Remote Sensing and Distribution of the 
Tancho's Nests in Kushiro Marsh, Hokkaido (in 
Japanese). J. Senshu Univ., Hokkaido, Vol. 23, 
pp. 209-223. 
Masatomi, H., K. Momose, Y. Momose and T. Matsuo, 
1994. Nesting of the Tancho Grus japonesis in i 
eastern Hokkaido, Japan, in 1991 (in Japanese). 
J. Senshu Univ., Hokkaido, Vol. 27, pp. 1-30. 
Masatomi, H., K. Momose, Y. Momose and T. Matsuo, 
1995. Breeding Population of the Tancho (Red- o! 
crowned Crane) in eastern Hokkaido, Japan, in 
1992 and 1993 (in Japanese). J. of Environ. Sci. Figure 1. Location of study area. 
Lab., Senshu Univ., Hokkaido, Vol. 4, pp. 143- 
Masatomi, H., K. Momose, Y. Momose, T. Matsuo, K. 
Koga, N. Aoki, S. Abe, M. Inoue and Y. Kanai, 
1995. Breeding Status of the Red-crowned 
Crane Grus japonesis in eastern Hokkaido, 
Japan, in 1994. Strix, Vol. 13, pp. 103-142. 
Murakami, H., 1995. Accuracy Estimation of Digital Map 
Series Data Sets Published by the Geographical 
Survey Institute (in Japanese). Geoinfomatics, 
Vol. 6, pp.59-64. 
Saito, H. 1926. On the Tancho in Hokkaido (in Japanese). 
Tori, Vol. 5, pp. 16-19. 
A Water stream 
; Radius 265{m} (Water stream} 
C@] Nesting arca (1990) 
Figure 2. Distribution of existing nests and river 
networks with 265 m buffer in Kushiro Wetland. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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