Wilfried Müller Eckhardt Seyfert
Landesvermessungsamt Brandenburg Landesvermessungsamt Brandenburg
Schwedter Str. 63, D-17291 Prenzlau Heinrich-Mann-Allee 103, D-14473 Potsdam
Commission IV, Working Group 3
KEY WORDS: GIS, Database, Revision, Acquisition, Exchange, Accuracy, Orthoimage, Stereoscopic
The survey administrations of the federal states in Germany are currently building up the basic geoinformation system ATKIS.
Data collection for the first realization stage of the Digital Landscape Model 25 (DLM 25) will be completed in Brandenburg and
some other states by the end of 1996. This paper describes the concepts of the State Survey Administration of Brandenburg
(LVermA BB) for updating the DLM 25/1 and extension to the second realization stage DLM 25/2. The procedures will be
based on the use of digital orthophotos and stereo-compilation. As a preprocessing step the planimetric accuracy of most DLM
25/1 data sets has to be improved in order to meet the corresponding ATKIS requirement. Since buildings are very important
for many users they will be captured already for the DLM 25/2.
Die Landesvermessungsbehórden der Lànder der Bundesrepublik Deutschland bauen zur Zeit das Basis-Geoinformations-
system ATKIS auf. Die Datenerfassung für die erste Ausbaustufe des Digitalen Landschaftsmodells 25 (DLM 25) wird in
Brandenburg und in einigen anderen Bundesländern Ende 1996 abgeschlossen werden kónnen. Dieser Beitrag behandelt
Konzepte des Landesvermessungsamtes Brandenburg (LVermA BB) für die Aktualisierung des DLM 25/1 und die Erweiterung
zur zweiten Ausbaustufe DLM 25/2. Die Verfahren basieren auf der Nutzung von Digitalen Orthophotos und der
Stereoauswertung von Luftbildmodellen. Als Vorverarbeitungsschritt mu die Lagegenauigkeit eines Grofteils der DLM
25/1-Daten verbessert werden, um die entsprechende ATKIS Anforderung zu erfüllen. Da viele Nutzer ein besonderes
Interesse an Gebäudedaten haben, sollen Gebäude bereits in der Ausbaustufe 25/2 integriert werden.
1. INTRODUCTION authorities with highest priority.
The Authoritative Topographic-Cartographic Information The content of the DLM 25 corresponds to topographic
System (ATKIS) has been developed as a common project maps 1 : 25,000. However the positional accuracy shall be
ofthe Working Committees of the Survey Administrations of ^ improved to + 3 m for major linear objects like e.g. roads.
the States of the Federal Republic of Germany (AdV). The
ATKIS databases will consist of different models : Applications of the DLM 25 are described in (Harbeck, 1994)
- Digital Landscape Models (DLM) contain topographic ^ and (Kophstahl & Sellge, 1995).
objects and relief data in digital form with high geometric
accuracy. Objects like highways, roads or woodland are
described in position and shape by Gauf-Krüger 2. CREATION OF THE DLM 25/1
coordinates and their characteristics by additional
attributes. The content of the DLM is fixed in Object The LVermA BB has started in 1992 to built-up the DLM
Catalogues (OK). 25/1. The first realization stage will be completed by the end
Digital Cartographic Models (DKM) are generated from of 1996. Map sheets of the topographic maps 1: 10,000 (TK
DLM by transferring them into its cartographic 10 N) are choosen as capturing units. Since each of the
presentation according to scale and specific drawing federal states has to create the DLM 25 upto the state
rules. The content of the DKM is outlined in Symbol boundary, Brandenburg is covered by 827 full and 249 partial
Catalogues (SK). capturing units (each approx. 5.5 km x 5.5 km).
These data can be used in all space-related information
Systems as geotopographic data-basis. The following primary data sources were used :
a) TK 10 N (after updating) 44 %
The ATKIS data model has been derived from the data b) Orthophoto maps TK 10 L (generated by
Model of the Automated Real Estate Map (ALK) and perspective rectification , e.g. with SEG VI) 39 %
extended by complex objects, object items and topological c) Orthophoto maps TK 10 DL (digitally gene-
references. For data exchange the system-independend rated with the PHODIS system from Zeiss 14 %
Uniform Database Interface (EDBS) has been defined. The d) Stereo models of aerial photographs
ATKIS conception is documented in (AdV, 1989). 1: 18,000 3%
The establishment of ATKIS is a time-consuming and costly — In addition maps and descriptive information from other
Process, Therefore the DLM will be created in several stages, ^ administrations (road, railway, waterways) and private utility
according to user's requirements. The Digital Landscape companies are employed.
Model 25 (DLM 25) will be realized by the state survey
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996