Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

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A subdevision of the LVermA BB called "Topographischer 
Meldedienst" (TopMD, topographical information service) will 
get a key-function for updating and extension of the DLM 25. 
Up to now the main task of the TopMD was to acquire and 
prepare non-geometric descriptive information for the 
revision of the TK 10 and derived maps (e.g. city maps). 
In contrast to the OK-DLM 25/1 the object catalogue 
OK-DLM 25/2 contains a lot of objects and attributes which 
can not be captured from orthophotos or existing maps. The 
new task of the TopMD is to get into contact with suppliers of 
these informations and prepare them for updating and 
revision of the DLM 25. In a first stage up to the end of 1997 
these information will be transferred into film plots of existing 
DLM 25/1 data in a colour coded form. An information 
system based on ARC/Info has been installed in 1995 for 
taking over and storing of the informations in digital form. 
3.3 Improvement of Planimetric Accuracy 
In the western part of Germany the German Basic Map 
1 : 5,000 (DGK 5) is used as primary data source for 
establishing the DLM 25/1. Per definition the planimetric 
accuracy of the DGK 5 should be + 3 m or better. This meets 
exactly the ATKIS requirement for the DLM 25. In the new 
federal states of the eastern part of Germany only 
topographaphic maps 1 : 10,000 (TK 10 AS) were available. 
For the area of Brandenburg these maps were generated 
from 1956 to 1973 mainly on the basis of rectified aerial 
photographs. Meanwhile - after 5 revision cycles - the 
planimetric accuracy is about + 5 - 10 m (Krakau, 1994). In 
1992 the LVermA BB has started a program to convert the 
TK 10 AS (Krassowski, A\= 3.75' x Aq» 2.5!) into the new TK 
10 N map series (Bessel, AX» 5' x Aq» 3"). While doing this, 
the planimetric accuracy will not be improved. The 
conversion program will be completed in 1998. 
When the conception for creating the DLM 25/1 in 
Brandenburg was worked out, it has been decided, that a 
fast completition is of greater importance than meeting the 
accuracy requirement. 
In areas where the TK 10 N was not yet available orthophoto 
maps 1 : 10,000 (TK 10 L) were used as primary data 
source. These orthophoto maps were generated in contract 
by private companies mainly by simple rectification without 
using a digital elevation model (DEM). In general Branden- 
burg is a rather flat area, but for some map sheets the effect 
of neglecting the relief generated local positional errors of up 
to 15 m. 
Since November 1994 the LVermA BB is able to produce 
orthophoto maps 1 : 10,000 (TK 10 DL) by digital image 
processing with the Zeiss/PHODIS-system. Tests have 
Shown that DLM 25/1 data captured from this source will 
meet the accuracy requirement of + 3 m. The same is true for 
DLM 25/1- data acquired by stereo compilation. 
The limited planimetric accuracy of most of the DLM 25/1 
data becomes a problem if these data shall be merged with 
data from other (more accurate) sources, e.g. geodetic 
measurements. This could be the case if 
- the LVermA BB wants to incorporate data into the DLM 
25, e.g. buildings extracted from the ALK (the axis of a 
road may pass through buildings), 
- Users want to add their own thematic data, e.g. utility 
companies want to add their network of power lines (a 
road may cross a power line several times instead of 
running in parallel). 
Since the number of DLM 25 users ist constantly growing, 
the planimetric accuracy should be improved as soon as 
possible. The correction of geometry can be done 
independently from updating and extension to the DLM 25/2 
using digital orthophotos or by stereo-compilation. 
Tests have shown that the geometric displacements are 
more or less random. Therefore the problem can not be 
solved with a semi-automatic procedure, e.g. a batch 
program. However the GIAP software supports manual 
editing such that points can be picked and moved to the right 
position without destroying the topology of the data. Tests 
have also shown that only about 1/3 of the points have to be 
shifted (e.g. points of the boundaries of built-up areas don't 
need to be shifted because these boundaries can not be 
sharply defined).The work for improving the planimetric 
accuracy will be started in April 1996. 
3.4 Use of Digital Orthophotos 
In 1993 a PHODIS-system (Photogrammetric Digital 
System) from Zeiss was installed at the LVermA BB for digital 
production of orthophoto maps. The system consists of a 
PS1 photogrammetric scanner, three workstations running 
the PHODIS-software and the SCOP/DEM-software, an IRIS 
3047 colour proofer and a BARCO BG3800 raster scanner/ 
plotter. In November 1994 the system became operational. 
The production rate is up to 8 orthophoto maps 1 : 10,000 
per day (8 h). In October 1995 a PHODIS ST 30 digital 
stereoworkstation was integrated into the system. It is mainly 
used for DEM measurement and DEM control. 
The digital orthophotos are produced from b&w aerial 
photographs 1 : 34,000. As a preprocessing step a DEM 25 
is generated from digitized contours of topographic maps 1 : 
25,000 and additional stereo-scopic measurements in areas 
with non-uniform relief. The grid width is 25 m x 25 m. The 
accuracy of the DEM is about + 2 m. The output format for 
the orhophotos is TIFF. The ground resolution of an 
orthophoto pixel is 65 cm x 65 cm. 
Tests have shown that the resolution and accuracy of the 
orthophotos are suitable for updating and extension of the 
DLM 25. 
The digital orthophotos can be used with the "Raster- 
Module" of the ALK-GIAP workstations. The ALK-GIAP 
(Graphics Interactive Workplace) was developed by the state 
survey administration of Northrhine-Westfalia for interactiv 
and graphic aided work with data of the ALK. Later on the 
software system was extended to handle the ATKIS data 
structure. On the basis of this software AED Graphics has 
created an all-purpose geo-information system. Currently 
seven GIAP workstations with Raster-Module and connection 
to a table digitizer are available at the LVermA BB for 
correction, updating and extension of the DLM 25. 
A digital orthophoto can be loaded into the GIAP, displayed 
and overlayed with DLM 25 vector data. The display of raster 
or vector data can be switched off. Different transparent and 
opaque modes are also available. At the moment the display 
of orthophotos is limited to 64 gray values. This figure has to 
be increased for reliable interpretation. 
For detection of changes and new DLM 25/2-objects the 
following alternatives will be tested concerning reliability and 
production speed : 
a) Overlaying a raster plotter output of the digital orthophoto 
and a plot of the DLM 25/1 vector data on a light table 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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