Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

Application of RS/GIS Techniques for Land Use Mapping 
Land Suitability Studies of a National Forest Reserve, Thailand 
Kaew Nualchawee and Lilit Barcareza 
Space Technology Applications and Research Program (STAR) 
School of Environment, Resources and Development (SERD) 
Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) 
G.P.O. Box 2754, Bangkok 10501, Thailand 
A study for environmentally sustainable 
development planning for rural and 
agricultural resources was conducted in 
the Pa Wang Phloeng-Muang Khom-Lam 
Narai National Forest Reserve in Lop Buri 
Province, Thailand. Remote Sensing and 
GIS technologies were applied to arrive at 
appropriate land use and land suitability 
for various agricultural crops. 
The results of the remote sensing and GIS 
studies integrated with the socio-economic 
and biophysical dimensions served as 
inputs for decision making in the 
environmental and sustainable 
development plan envisaged for the forest 
reserve in question. 
1.1 Background : 
Rural and agricultural development, 
especially in developing countries of Asia, 
like Thailand faces serious problems such 
as water shortage, environmental and land 
degradation, declining yields, increasing 
population, and migration, etc. There are 
many questions that could be asked which 
may lead to some solution to the above 
problems. From the perspective of natural 
resources development and management, 
and with the various disciplines involved, 
and under the frame work of sustainable 
development, a team from the Asian 
Institute of Technology undertook a study 
in à National forest Reserve area in Lop 
Buri Province, Thailand. 
1.2 Statement of the 
Problem : 
A tract of land of 48,918 rais (7,827 
hectares), after a period of time under 
concession to a private company was 
turned over to the Royal forest 
Department, who in tum authorized 
Kasetsart University in Bangkok to 
develop into some useful area for rural 
agricultural development program to be 
managed by the University and some other 
interested provincial agencies, etc. There 
are however, conflicting interests in the 
use of land in the area. Through are long 
span of time, there have been illegal 
migration and settlement of people in side 
this piece of land, who also put up 
resistance to the development plan of 
Kasetsart University. The fear that this 
illegal encroachment of land without 
proper and adequate measure may lead to 
an eventual environmental degradation 
and destruction without possibility for 
1.3 Study Objectives : 
(1) To establish the baseline 
information on biophysical and socio- 
economic condition by applying remote 
sensing mapping techniques, supported by 
ground truth and ancillary data collection. 
(2) To establish geo-information 
database based on the input from remote 
sensing as well as other ancillary data, and 
(3) To apply combination of RS and 
GIS techniques to arrive at land suitability 
classification to support the sustainable 
development planning. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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