2.1 General Description :
The study area is a part of Khok Charoen
District, Lop Buri Province in the upper
central region of Thailand. Specifically, it
is located in the Yang Rak Sub-district
with latitude 15?15' to 15?27' and 100?52'
to 101^00' (figure 1).
2.2 Climate of the Study
Area :
Based on the 11 year climatic record from
the Meteorological Department, (1983-
1993) it was indicated that the average
annual rainfall varies from 1,053.9 mm to
1,324 mm. The rainy season lasts from
May through October, and during
November to April the dry season. High
amount of precipitation usually falls
during the months of August, September
and October. The average annual raindays
varies from 66.5 to 101.0 days.
22 Slope and Topography :
The study area has a slope gradient raging
from 0% to more than 40%. The villages
are usually occupying the flatter areas
(about 0-996). Farmlands are in the 0-
16% slope category. The mountain areas
have slope gradient of more than 40%.
Majority of the study area (45.4%) has a
slope category of 0 to 2% while areas of
more than 40% covers only about 4.7% of
the total area. The elevation of the study
area ranges between 80 to 560 meters
from mean sea level (msl).
2.4 Soils and Geology :
Soils in the study area are residual which
developed from granitic materials. Soil
depth varies from shallow to very deep.
Textural profiles are clay, loam, clay
loam, sandy clay loam, silty clay loam, silt
loam, fine loamy loam, sandy loam, and
gravelly clay loam. Large areas exhibit
color profile of very dark grayish brown to
very dark brown over very dark grayish
brown to dark brown.
Large portion of the study area have
drainage characteristics of moderately
well-drained to well-drained while small
portions exhibit à somewhat poorly
drained characteristic. Permeability is
generally moderate to slow while surface
run off is medium to rapid. Large portions
of the area have ground water table at
several meters all year round. Few areas
have ground water above 1.5 meters for 2-
3 months during the rainy season while
the paddy fields are usually saturated for
3-4 months in a year,
2.5 Sources of water and
use :
The sources of water in the study area are
rain, ground water, reservoir and springs.
for majority of the villagers, rain is the
major source of water for drinking. Each
house ín all the villages has several big
water tanks which are filled with water
during the rainy season, enough to meet
the requirement in the dry season. A
number of reservoirs also exist in the
study area to meet partial water
requirement in farming and household.
During the dry season, however, these
reseroirs contain little water, some dried
up, and cannot meet the water
requirements, so most of the farmlands are
idle in the dry season.
2.6 Wildlife :
A variety of wildlife are still present in the
area. Many different species of insects
had also been observed. Some detailed
list of amphibians, reptiles, birds and
mammals which can be found in the study
area is documented by the study group.
27 Vegetation :
Vegetation in the villages and vicinities
are of the types of forest and fruit trees.
Fruit trees belonging to the family
Leguminosae are common. Mango and
coconut trees are also growing in some
villages. In the northern part of the study
area, tree plantations exist. Species of
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996