Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

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achieved. The rms value u$; of the theoretical stan- 
dard deviations of the adjusted object point coordinates 
amounts to 180 m, which gives a measure of the interior 
accuracy of the block. The exterior accuracy of the block, 
however, is in the order of 4 km (= mean absolute accuracy 
of the adjusted position parameters). 
| Value | 
60 [pm] 7.8 
wx [ml | 289 
u$ [m] 99 
m [m] 64 
MxYz  [m] | 180 
Table 1: Results of the bundle block adjustment 
In addition, the coordinates of 33 object points have 
been compared with those, which were determined in- 
dependently by M. Davies, RAND Corp., Santa Monica, 
USA (Davies et al. 1995). Both control networks corre- 
spond well, as the rms value of the coordinate differences 
paxayaz=200m indicate. 
In a separate processing step, which has been not yet real- 
ized, the existing bundle block adjustment will be supple- 
mented by a rigorous dynamical modeling of the spacecraft 
motion to account for orbital constraints (Montenbruck et 
al. 1994, Ohlhof 1996a). This advanced concept ensures 
the proper utilization of Galileo trajectory information in 
the bundle block adjustment and, vice-versa, allows the 
use of image information to improve the orbit determina- 
tion and supports the estimation of dynamical parameters, 
e.g. the rotational parameters of Ida or the ephemeris of 
Ida’s satellite Dactyl. 
The incorporation of orbital constraints into the bundle 
adjustment has been first realized and successfully applied 
to practical MOMS-02/D2 and simulated HRSC/WAOSS 
Mars96 multi-line imagery (Ohlhof 1996b). 
Based on a theoretical analysis of the Galileo spacecraft 
trajectory, Gill et al. (1995) have been found out, that a 
simple linear model of the spacecraft position w.r.t. time 
describes the orbital motion quite well. Within a 30 min 
interval around encounter time the deviations from the 
linear model due to Ida’s gravitational field stay below 
25 cm for the position and 0.1 mm/s for the spacecraft 
velocity, that was below the precision of the ground-based 
S-Band Doppler observations (2 mm/s). 
2.3 DTM Generation 
Third, a Digital Terrain Model (DTM) is generated. The 
DTM covers one hemisphere of Ida with a resolution of 
1° x 1°, which can be interpreted as a shape model of the 
asteroid. It uses a sphere as reference surface. 
DTM generation involves the determination of a large 
number of conjugate points in the images, the computation 
of ground coordinates for these points and the approxima- 
tion of the object surface. Digital image matching is a 
suitable technique to find the required number of conju- 
gate points automatically. Using the least squares region- 
growing matching algorithm (Otto, Chau 1989) about 
32,000 image points on Ida’s surface were found in 10 im- 
ages having 30-110 m ground pixel size. The lower reso- 
lution (< 110 m ground pixel size) images of Ida are not 
suited for image matching, so that the conjugate points 
cover only one hemisphere of the asteroid. The tie points 
determined previously by the human operator are utilized 
as starting (seed) points for the matching procedure. 
Special methods were developed for automatic point trans- 
fer in multiple images and for the consideration of scale dif- 
ferences between the images up to factor 3.5. In addition, 
4,200 matched image points in deep space were deleted au- 
tomatically as blunders using a given treshold value. After 
that, the computation of ground coordinates was carried 
out via forward intersection using the adjusted exterior 
orientation parameters. 
The ground coordinates were processed using an approx- 
imation method for scattered data on a sphere (Brand et 
al. 1995; Brand, Frohlich 1996). The height information 
of irregular distributed data points is transferred to a reg- 
ular grid by calculating weighted means in a spherical cap 
around a grid point. Repeating this calculation for dif- 
ferent radii of the spherical caps, the irregular data can 
be handled adequately. In a hierarchical algorithm these 
calculations are only done in regions in which the error 
is above a threshold. Note, that the radius of the spher- 
ical cap, which is comparable with the mesh size of the 
usual planar approaches, is fitted to the resolution of the 
data. The 1? x 1? DTM, which is visualized in Figure 3, 
was calculated from the regular grid using the smoothing 
technique described above. 
In Figure 3 an illumination from the upper left direction is 
assumed and the DTM is shaded using a Gourand shading 
algorithm. The part of Ida image s0202561900 presented 
in Figure 4 can be found on the upper left side of the 
DTM in Figure 3. Due to the scale of the DTM and the 
distribution of the DTM primary data, local features such 
as craters cannot be represented. 
Figure 3: DTM of Ida using a reference sphere 
With the help of digital terrain models, color orthoimages 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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