Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

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Data base. This solution, although simple to operate, is 
costly in the long run, as the cartographers work will 
duplicate for each map revision [Tait, 1991]. Here again, the 
SOURCE-CODE attached to each feature in the GIS Data 
base, plays a major role. The date of mapping is part of the 
information within the SOURCE-CODE table. Thus, all 
features acquired after the date of providing the cartographers 
with data for last revision, are selected for the current map 
revision process. 
These features are collected in separate layers, according to 
their TYPE-CODE, and are superimposed over the 
cartographic copy files, using somewhat different symbols. 
The cartographers may now detect the superimposed features, 
and treat them according to their protocols. These treatments 
include some changes that are made with the data depicted 
already in the old file. Once all treatments are done, the 
“new” features are imbedded in the “old” file in original 
layers and hierarchy levels, in order to produce the revised 
Old files are archived in a separate workspace. This is done 
both for the direct extraction from the GIS library, and for 
the final cartographic copies. This is performed in the same 
mode as keeping old separations, in order to keep track of 
changes and to enable any repetition of the GIS Data base 
updating, or map revision and reproduction. This protocol 
has not yet been tested in its full length, but the process was 
proven when adding additional features surveyed in-situ to 
the cartographic copy processed before the field completion 
step was implemented. 
The National GIS Data base updating is planned as a 5-6 
year circle. Within this time frame, all the data base should 
be rechecked and updated. In addition, two more instances of 
updating may take place: (a) When the amount of changes 
detected will pass a certain criteria (not yet devised); and 
(b) Under special order of digital data in a particular area. 
This strategy aims to update the populated areas more 
frequently, while keeping up with customer demands and 
with the minimum updating time. 
Change Detection 
As reported by Peled [1994], the key to a successful updating 
would be the development of advanced change detection 
capabilities at the Survey. This year, only two quads are to 
be updated; traditional processes are still in use. Comparing 
two sets of air photographs, it took a trained photo interpreter 
four days to mark the changes, using a work map, produced 
directly from the data base, as reference. This map directed 
the operators to map and acquire the new features detected by 
the photointerpreter. Just recently, the Survey commissioned 
à photogrammetric company to update a full quad. The 
company is giiven an extraction of the GIS Data base that 
will be superimposed on the stereoscopic model, and the 
operators may map only the changes they detect. It was 
clearly observed that, although possible, this procedure is 
error-prone and time-consuming. The pre-process of change 
detection is important, as it removes the burden from the 
operators, who are then able to carry-out their work, free of 
the tension involved in the original protocol. In addition , the 
Survey has just made a grant to research and develop 
customatic change detection capabilities. This research is 
based on modular steps, starting with epoch-based change 
detection to continue with GIS-driven change detection and 
Data base updating [Peled, 1994]. 
Epoch-Based Change Detection 
Epoch-Based change detection appears to be the simple and 
rapid solution to aid both the updating priority and traditional 
map revision, and as a basis for the GIS Data base updating. 
The Survey of Israel is covering the country with 1:12,500- 
scale photographs at two-year intervals. Experiments were 
carried out to test whether these data may be used to detect 
changes, and also to quantitize them. These photographs 
were found very useful to achieve clear change detection. 
Nevertheless, this process demands the scanning of thousands 
of photographs, and the work involved with georeferencing 
them, solely for the purpose of change detection, does not 
seem worthwhile. Thus, the experiments are now focused on 
two parallel efforts. Spot-HRV panchromatic images are 
tested as a tool to quantitize the “amount of changes,” in 
order to solve the updating priority problem. The question 
here is to devise some area-wide criteria, as the geometric 
resolution does not permit to continue with the freature-based 
criteria devised for the 1:12,500-scale photographs. In a 
second effort, epoch-based change detection is tested on 
1:40,000-scale photographs. These are the same photographs 
that are used in the remapping effort. As orthophotos are 
becoming a by-product of the remapping project, this appears 
an affordable solution, as most of the georeferencing work 
has already been performed. The idea is to use satellite 
images in order to define whether a certain area should be 
updated. Then, by using the 1:40,000-scale photographs, a 
second epoch-based change detection process will serve the 
actual updating. 
GIS-Driven Change Detection 
The basic idea in GIS-Driven change detection is to use the 
inherent information in the GIS data base, in order to find 
the changes, toward updating the very same data base. This 
research effort commenced only at the end of 1995, after 
some progress was made in detecting changes in roads 
[Peled, 1993], and buildings. Here again, modular process is 
envisaged, first, to replace the photointerpreter’s work. The 
idea is to use more lenient restrictions in the position 
accuracy, and to serve the stereoplotter operators with a 
change model that will also show the type of change detected. 
In the long run, the idea is to vectorize the detected changes, 
and to import them directly to the GIS data base, bypassing 
the photogrammetric mapping process. 
Automatic change detection methods seem to be the only 
solution to large-scale operation of map revision and GIS 
data base updating. The transition from traditional mapping 
to the new era of digital mapping is not straightforward. As 
both processes are still operable side-by-side, a modular 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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