Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

transition seems the only solution in order not to shut down 
traditional production lines before the new digital methods 
and techniques are imbedded in the mapping institute. The 
introduction of image processing techniques will aid in 
carrying out map revision and GIS data base updating 
efforts within the framework of affordable costs and a 
reasonable processing time length. 
Peled, A, Adler, R., & Forrai, J. 1991. Accuracy 
considerations in creating a topographic data base. Proc., 
ACSM-ASPRS Fall Convention, Atlanta, GA-USA, Vol. A, 
pp. 104-118. 
Peled, A., 1993. Remote sensing in Israel - from change 
detection to GIS generation. Proc, International 
Symposium of Operationalization of Remote Sensing, ITC, 
Enschede, The Netherlands, Vol. VI, pp. 117-126. 
Peled, A., 1994. Revision of digital maps and GIS data 
bases. Proc, Symposium on Mapping and Geographic 
Information Systems, Athens, GA-USA. ISPRS, Vol. XXX, 
Part 4, pp. 268-272. 
Tait, D.A., 1991. Instrumental requirements for modern map 
revision. Photogrammetric Record 13(78), pp. 901-908. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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