Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

In Developing Countries, topographic maps at scales of 
1:100,000 and larger are often outdated, if they exist at 
all. Topographic mapping and map updating has its 
major constraint in the heavy and regular cloud cover 
which disables visible and infrared (VIR) sensors to 
acquire data from the Earth’s surface. According to a 
study by Gastellu-Etchegorry and Ducros-Gambart 
(1991), the mean probability of acquiring a remotely- 
sensed image of Central Sumatra with less than 30% 
cloud cover is only 7%. An operational topographic 
mapping programme or monitoring of land cover 
changes with optical data is therefore almost impossible. 
Since the launch of remote sensing satellites carrying 
microwave sensors on board, synthetic aperture radar 
(SAR) data are continuously available. Independent from 
weather or daylight the active SAR sensors provide 
information at any time of the year. Therefore, the 
combination of up-to-date radar images with existing 
optical data for topographic map updating in Developing 
Countries was investigated. The research presented in 
this paper used the idea of integrating data from SPOT 
and Landsat with ERS-1 and JERS-1 SAR to overcome 
the cloud cover problem. Additional benefits of fusing 
disparate remote sensing data were the increased 
interpretation capabilities and improved reliability of the 
results due to the complementary nature of microwave 
and optical images. While optical data represent the 
reflectance of ground cover in visible and near-infrared, 
the radar is very sensitive to the shape, orientation, 
roughness and moisture content of the illuminated 
ground objects. 
The main objective of the research was to investigate the 
geometric aspects of image fusion for map updating in 
the humid Tropics. A relevant factor in this respect was 
to overcome the cloud cover problem in optical remote 
sensing data using microwave imagery. The project 
aimed at the production of digital image maps 
containing fused image data from different optical and 
radar remote sensing satellites. The image data were 
geocoded and projected to the Indonesian map projection 
system (UTM - ID74). Based on the selected operational 
remote sensing satellites LANDSAT, SPOT, ERS-1 and 
JERS-1, the resulting image maps were produced at 
1:100,000 scale. It is commonly accepted that the scales 
between 1:50,000 and 1:250,000 can be achieved with 
LANDSAT, SPOT and ERS-1 (Albertz and Tauch, 
1994; Dowman et al, 1993; Doyle, 1984; Jacobsen, 
1992). The research focused on the geometric aspect of 
image fusion evaluating the impact of various parameters 
on the fused imagery in terms of geometric accuracy. A 
second interest was to find the optimum combination of 
satellite data in terms of spatial and spectral resolution. 
This included a study on image enhancement 
possibilities in the frame of pixel-based image fusion. 
The following list comprises parameters which were of 
interest to the research: 
* Satellite and sensor characteristics; 
¢ Geocoding; 
* Time; 
* Observed ground. 
There is a variety of methods to combine different 
remote sensing data. The methods identified and selected 
during the research period are pixel-based and included 
colour transformation techniques (e.g. Red Green Blue 
RGB colour composites, Intensity Hue Saturation colour 
transformation /HS) as well as statistical/arithmetic 
methods (e.g. Principal Component Analysis PCA, band 
combinations, ratios). These techniques require a highly 
accurate, co-registered or geocoded data set. Especially, 
the geocoding of SAR data played an important role 
because SAR images are subject to severe geometric 
distortions based on the steep viewing geometry of the 
sensor. Figure 1 displays a flow chart that describes the 
image processing of the remote sensing data to obtain 
fused image maps (Pohl and Genderen, 1995). 
Data [ RADARSAT || ERS-1 || JERS-1 | | | LANDSAT | spor | 
| I bad 
| System Correction ) 
SENT Pe | 
Pre-Processing : 
Geocoding DEM & GCP's 
- Rectification 
Polynomial Co-registration Differential 
Resampling to common grid 
Visualization y 
Figure 1: Flow chart for fused image map production 
After having acquired the image data, they were pre- 
processed to remove system induced as well as externally 
influenced radiometric and geometric distortions in order 
to provide compatible data as input to the image fusion 
process. The geocoded data were then introduced to the 
actual image fusion process. An evaluation of the 
resulting fused imagery considered the topographic map 
updating capabilities of the produced fused images. The 
best results related to map updating (perceptibility of 
topographic features and geometric accuracy) were 
printed as image maps including some annotation such 
as a coordinate grid and a legend. 
The research relied on the processing of data sets from 
two different test sites. The calibration test site is located 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996

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