Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

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in the north of the Netherlands, bordered by geographic 
latitudes 52°45'-53°30'N and longitudes 5°00'-6°15'E. It 
consists mainly of agricultural areas, some urban areas, 
water bodies and a coastal zone including the island of 
Ameland as shown in Figure 2. 
Figure 2: Location sketch of calibration test site in the 
The actual research test site is located on the south-west 
coast of Sumatra in the Province of Bengkulu, Indonesia. 
It extends from 3?15' to 4?45'S and 102°00° to 102° 
30'E. Sumatra is an equatorial tropical island with a 
climate that is characterised by constant high 
temperatures and extremely abundant rainfall, well 
distributed over the year. With relief ranging from sea 
level to 2,400 metres, and complex land forms, tropical 
forests, and mixed agricultural systems, the research site 
was selected as a representative, typical problem area 
which experiences extensive cloud cover. Figure 3 
indicates the location of the research test site in the 
western part of the country. 
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Figure 3: Location of research test site, Bengkulu - 
Among the selected sensors that provided the remotely 
sensed data were ERS-1 SAR, JERS-1 SAR, SPOT HRV 
and Landsat TM. The sensors, supplying data of 
different spatial and spectral resolutions, cover areas 
ranging from 3,600 km? (SPOT) to 34,225 km? (TM). 
For both test sites a full set of images from each sensor 
was collected. In the case of ERS-1, a multi-temporal 
data set was requested in order to be able to fulfil the 
research objectives and test the influence of multi- 
temporal and multi-orbit ERS-1 SAR data on image 
fusion. The data of the calibration test site in the 
Netherlands consisted of multiple ERS-1 SAR scenes 
acquired during the first half year of 1993. The optical 
data set contained SPOT XS data from 1986, SPOT PAN 
dated 1989 and a Landsat TM scene from 1992. 
Concerning the research site in Indonesia, it was much 
more difficult to obtain the remote sensing data due to a 
number of constraints. It was problematic to find optical 
remote sensing data from SPOT and Landsat with less 
than 30% cloud cover. In the case of Landsat TM one 
scene could be identified in the archive that was not fully 
covered by clouds collected in 1990. In terms of SPOT 
XS the only useful scene dated back to 1987. Based on a 
request, further scenes could be acquired in the summer 
of 1994. Together with a three dates coverage of ERS-1 
SAR and two JERS-1 SAR coverages with a time 
difference of one year the data set was completed. It was 
necessary to acquire two JERS-1 SAR scenes per 
coverage which were used to build a mosaic in order to 
cover the entire research test site. 
First, the Dutch data was processed in order to calibrate 
the image fusion approach and to identify suitable 
techniques for the cloud removal without having to deal 
with terrain induced distortions. In addition, up-to-date 
topographic maps of 1:50,000 and larger scale were 
available to verify the findings. The experience gained 
from these experiments was later adapted and applied to 
the Indonesian area. 
4. 1 Radiometric Pre-Processing 
An atmospheric correction was applied to the optical 
remote sensing data in order to remove haze effects from 
the imagery. Because no ancillary information, necessary 
for correct atmospheric modelling, were available, only 
an approximation (histogram modification) for this 
correction was applied. The optical remote sensing data 
of the calibration site (Netherlands) was not affected by 
striping. The Landsat TM scene of the research site in 
Indonesia contained 16-lines striping. One of the SPOT 
XS scenes had a striping appearance too. For destriping, 
each pixel was adjusted based on a comparison of the 
local mean of the line to an unweighed local mean of 
those closest neighbouring lines. But it has to be taken 
into account that this destriping is a cosmetic act that 
should be performed after spectral interpretation or 
processing of the images (Crippen, 1989). However, the 
destriping was done prior to image fusion to take into 
account the radiometric characteristics of the VIR data 
alone which cannot be separated from SAR in fused 
The SAR data were reduced from 16- to 8-bit applying 
linear scaling in consideration of the mean and standard 
deviation of the particular images in order to reduce the 
data volumes. In addition, a speckle reducing filter (3x3 
Gamma MAP) was applied for the spatial enhancement 
of the data (Shi, 1994). 
4. 2 Geocoding 
The Dutch data set was geocoded using well-distributed 
GCP's and polynomial rectification because the terrain 
height influence on the geometry was negligible. The 
largest height difference reaches + 10 m in that region. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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