on a regular basis as input into a more rapid map
updating programme in Developing Countries than is
presently utilised. With upcoming improved sensors, the
importance of multisensor image fusion and
interpretation will increase and open new possibilities in
Earth observation for operational applications in the
Developing Countries as well as for the protection and
development of the Earth's environment.
The project was carried as part of the ITC funded Ph.D.
program in cooperation with the University of Hannover,
Germany. The study was conducted in close cooperation
with the National Coordination Agency for Surveys and
Mapping in Indonesia, Bakosurtanal and the University
of Bengkulu, UNIB. It was embedded in the EC
Scientific Research Network on 'Synergy of Remotely
Sensed Data' coordinated by ITC (CHRX-CT93-0310).
The remote sensing data was sponsored by ESA (Pilot
EURIMAGE, NLR and NASDA. The software packages
for geocoding PRODIGEO and image processing
microBRIAN were sponsored by Matra Cap Systemes,
France and MPA, Australia, respectively. The terrain-
geocoding of the Indonesian data was performed at
CCRS, Canada by Dr. Toutin in cooperation with PCI
Incorporated, Canada. One of the final image maps was
printed at EUROSENSE, Belgium. All the support is
gratefully acknowledged.
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IIRS ... International Journal of Remote Sensing
PE&RS ... Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996