Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

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An architecture for sharing data stored in disparate geographic 
information systems is shown in Figure 4. It is a four levels 
e Atthe first level, level 1, schemes are representing the part of 
the database that each member in the federation is willing to 
share. These schemes are represented with the native 
language of the host. 
e The second higher level of schemes is to model the same data 
posted at the first level but with a uniform data model (e.g. 
Object Oriented). 
e The third level is a global schema which provides a uniform 
perspective of the information posted at the second level. 
e The federated schemes are supporting different scale levels, 
i.e., national, regional, and local. 
e Another fourth level of schemes is representing the 
application specific views which can be partly retrieved form 
the federation (e.g. application database). 
The object oriented sharable schemes in level 2, Figure 4, are 
represented in the local servers, Figure 2. The federated object 
oriented schemes, Figure 4, are represented in their 
corresponding global servers GS;, Figure 2. The multi-level 
global server in Figure 4, is the one which provides the link 
between the applications, i.e., level 4 in Figure 2. 
As shown in Figure 5, there could be several watershed 
management projects running in parallel. Each individual 
project can have positive impact when viewed locally. However, 
they might have negative impact on the basin, when their overall 
impact is screened. For this reason management projects 
proposed at watershed level should be assessed at the basin 
level. The implementation of the system architecture proposed 
in Section 5 aimed at showing this case. Management practices 
where introduced into watersheds. The management practices 
proved to minimize the soil erosion. This impact was quantified 
using AGNPS model. The impact of these management practices 
was then analyzed at the basin level. This impact was quantified 
using DUFLOW. In order to achieve this objective, the multi- 
level decision support system should allow data and decision 
In the previous sections the system architecture of the multi- 
level decision support system for watershed management is 
shown. Moreover, an architecture for resolving the aspects of 
heterogeneity in the databases supporting such system was 
proposed in this section. A prototype which implements the 
system is presented in the next section. Only the system 
components and functionality are shown. The supporting data 
models are outside the scope of this paper. 
Four main software packages were used to implement MLSDSS 
the client-server operations: 
* Nexpert Object as the object-oriented shell and rule-base 
* Arc/Info as the GIS platform. 
e. AGNPS as the erosion and water quality simulation model at 
the regional level, i.e., catchments and subcatchments. 
e Duflow as the erosion and water quality simulation model at 
the national level, i.e., basin. It is used to analyse the overall 
impact of management practices on the basin. 
Nexpert Object supports a rich range of representation features. 
In Nexpert, the domain is modelled in terms of objects, classes, 
and properties. Rules are used to manipulate the objects and 
class structures. The specific properties of objects and classes 
are called slots. Meta-slot attributes are used to describe certain 
characteristics of the slot. Nexpert Object shell is used to build 
an object oriented shell around the sharable data and represent 
the object network for the client, local servers, and global 
Tourism A 
t 7 Water Management 
Soil Conservation 
Overall Impact 
Figure 5 Several management projects in one basin 
server. The rule-base is used to design the global server and the 
database bridge will be used by the local servers to transfer data 
between dBase and Nexpert representation. Nexpert object will 
have several roles in our system. First it is used for integration 
and implement the components of the SDSS, i.e., ARC/Info, 
AGNPS, and Duflow, [Espinoza E., 1995 and; Mabote T., 
1995] gave a detailed description of this system. Second 
Nexpert is used for developing the schemes of the MLDSS and 
as a mediator for resolving the heterogeneity between the 
supporting databases. In this paper we only emphasis the 
technique followed for implementing the servers. 
Servers Implementation 
To simulate the servers in the proposed architecture, 
corresponding Nexpert's Knowledge Bases are developed, one 
for each server. 
Using NEXPERT, an object oriented shell is put on top of the 
local database. This shell is basically the object oriented view of 
the sharable data schema using the canonical or common data 
model. To provide the server functionality it is necessary to 
develop methods that enable the communication between the GS 
and the Local Database. Using these methods, messages can be 
passed from the GS to the LS in order to retrieve data, as 
requested by the client, from the underlying database. The 
retrieval asked by the GS is originally an Object Oriented query 
that the LS has to translate into an equivalent query for the local 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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