Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

Automatic matching procedures are used to find 
corresponding points in the images and to determine the 
respective 3D ground coordinates therefrom. In the 
present experiment a straightforward grey value based 
correlation was applied, including backward correlation as 
a first quality control mechanism. 
For the JERS-1 stereo models a more or less coarse grid 
of points was correlated to determine representative 
accuracy parameters for 3D data extraction. The 
elevations of the extracted data were compared to the 
corresponding reference elevations extracted from the 
reference DEM. Statistics on the resulting height 
differences are summarised in Table 4 together with the 
percentage of points having been matched under 
consideration of the specified correlation criteria. 
Concerning the optical data we first of all note a good 
stereoscopic performance of the pure JERS-1 stereo 
model. The achieved height accuracy of 51 meters RMS 
error is even slightly better than proposed within the 
geometric modelling. In the experiment related to SPOT 
panchromatic stereo data, on the other hand, we have 
achieved an RMS height accuracy of around 26 meters. 
Hence, the resulting height accuracy achieved from the 
JERS data is fairly reasonable if stereo disposition and 
pixel resolution are considered, both of them being 
significantly worse in comparison to SPOT. 
Further a very high correlation success rate of 82.6% was 
achieved for JERS-1, whereas the comparative rate for 
SPOT was 539^ only. With regard to the image matching 
performance it can be seen therefrom, that the 
simultaneous in-orbit stereo data acquisition of the JERS 
sensor has a distinct advantage versus the multitemporal 
data acquisition of the SPOT sensor. 
The SAR images were processed in an adequate manner 
and, in particular, without any preprocessing (e.g. speckle 
filtering) of the image data. Due to the SAR specific 
speckle noise and the radiometric peculiarities like 
particularly layover the correlation step is significantly 
more problematic for these data. This is immediately 
documented by the low percental rate of successful 
correlation of 17% only. For ERS-1 stereo data, for 
comparison, similar correlation rates of up to some 20% 
have been achieved. 
We can note, however, a fairly high height accuracy of 
some 80 meters for the JERS-1 SAR stereo pair, whereas 
the respective accuracy achieved from stereoscopic 
modelling (Table 2) amounts only to about 140 meters. 
Hence we can conclude that the stereoscopic correlation 
together with the criteria used for this process is more 
accurate than the interactive measurement of (control) 
points, which has been done monoscopically in the 
individual images. 
It can be assumed, that the height accuracy resulting 
from JERS-1 SAR stereo data in general may be 
improved through a proper preprocessing like speckle 
filtering of the image data. Then similar accuracies like 
those achieved in experiments related to ERS-1 SAR 
stereo data, i.e. some 50 meters RMS height errors, 
should be feasible, as the geometric prerequisites like 
pixel resolution or stereo intersection angle are around 
the same. 
hk eesesasnsancnscsnsssnanncunnnansnannsans 
| Sid.Dov niin. ps nf Bats... anor Sd 
| Minimum ( 1966 |... 258. 
Maximum 128.6 183.1 
Table 4: Statistical values of stereo mapping accuracy 
analysis (given in meters). 
4.1. DEM Generation 
The correlation results of the optical JERS-1 stereo data 
were used in a next step in order to generate a 
stereoscopically derived digital elevation model (DEM). 
First, 3D ground coordinates were determined for the 
matching points through intersection of the respective 
projection lines. Then a triangulation procedure was 
applied to the 3D point data resulting from the correlation 
and intersection procedure. Erroneous correlation data 
manifest themselves usually as irregular peaks or holes, 
i.e. up-/down-pyramids, in the triangulated network. An 
automatic filtering mechanism was applied to identify and 
eliminate such outliers, which considers the slope of 
triangle edges coinciding at a triangle point. Finally, a 
regular raster of elevations was interpolated from the 
triangle net with a specified frame and mesh size. 
Smoothing procedures were used to eliminate the 
triangular terrain shapes in the raster DEM. 
This resulting stereo-derived DEM is shown in Figure 3 in 
a grey level coded presentation. For topographic 
reference a DEM with a cell size of 12.5 is available, 
which has been generated from topographic maps in a 
scale of 1 : 25000. This DEM is shown in Figure 4. For 
ease of comparison selected height levels are indicated 
by contour lines. For a detailed quality assessment of the 
stereo-derived DEM the height differences to the 
reference DEM have been calculated and presented in 
Figure 5. In this Figure respective contour lines indicate 
height errors larger than +/- 50 meters (dark and bright 
areas). The statistical values calculated for this difference 
DEM compare well to the values given in Table 4. For 
instance, basically the same standard deviation of 47.8 
meters or mean value of -18.8 meters have been 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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