Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

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The discussion in this section is based on Ramirez (199523, 
1995b, 1996). The obvious reason why spatially referenced data 
(or maps) are revised is because they represent a dynamic 
surface: the surface of the earth. The surface of the earth is 
subject to the action of natural forces and man-made actions. 
Both produce changes on the earth's surface. Only the subset of 
changes in elements traditionally represented in topographic 
maps (including relief) are of interest here. 
Natural forces, in general, generate two types of changes: 
systematic and abrupt. Systematic changes are those continuous 
changes on the surface of the earth generated by the forces of 
gravity, wind, life-cycle, and others. Systematic changes are 
predictable (we know that they will happen and affect the surface 
of the earth) and require a time interval (t? - tj) to alter the 
currency of the spatial data representation. Abrupt changes 
caused by the forces of nature immediately affect the currency of 
spatial data. Examples of these changes are those caused by 
earthquakes, flooding, forest fires, and landslides. Abrupt 
changes are unpredictable, and affect the currency of the spatial 
data representation in a very short time interval (t4 - t3). 
Human actions also modify the surface of the earth in two ways: 
by predictable and unpredictable changes. Again, only those 
changes that affect the currency of spatial digital data are 
considered here. Predictable changes are those whose outcome 
will be known in advance and are evident by a time (ts). 
Examples of these include construction of roads, shopping malls, 
sport fields, and parks. Unpredictable changes are those changes, 
such as open-field mining and logging, whose outcome is 
unknown at time (ts) and are evident only later at time (t7). 
All of the above changes are local in nature. They altera specific 
geographic zone and, in most cases, the relief and the 
representation of the features on the terrain. Features of interest 
here are those contained in conventional topographic maps. 
These features can be classified in a set of layers or coverages. 
There is not a universal classification for map features. However, 
a typical example of classification is the one used by the USGS 
(see Table No. 1). In this classification, features are grouped in 
nine layers. 
Table No. 1 
Cartographic Elements: Major Coverages 
T Med Vegetative Features 
Public Land Survey S stem 
.. Transportation ystem 
Systematic changes due to natural forces are apparent only over 
long periods of time. For example, hypsographic changes become 
significant only when they reach the magnitude of about half the 
contour interval of the cartographic product. Abrupt changes are 
impossible to predict and can affect the terrain representation 
immediately. They have the potential of changing the terrain 
representation in the most radical way; however, it may be a long 
time between abrupt terrain changes. 
Terrain changes due to human actions, especially predictable 
changes, are the most common. The terrain is constantly 
changing, due to new constructions, particularly of transportation 
features (all kinds of roads, airports, etc.), and miscellaneous 
cultural features (buildings, shopping malls, and so forth). 
Unpredictable changes because of human actions also affect the 
terrain representation -- perhaps more radically, but usually less 
frequently. Some unpredictable changes are only temporal (at 
least in the USA). For example, open-field mining changes the 
relief substantially. However, once mining is completed, by law, 
the relief must be reconstructed to its original shape. Based on 
this discussion, the need for terrain revision could be classified 
and summarized as shown in Table No. 2. 
Table No. 2 
Topographic Map Revision: Change Factors 
4.3 The Cartographic Language 
The analytical study of spatial data (maps) provides another part 
of the framework for spatial data revision. As part of the study of 
spatial data, Ramirez (1991) has identified a cartographic 
language to represent spatial features. The cartographic language 
is composed of the alphabet and grammar. The alphabet is the set 
of primitive signs from which all spatial features (cartographic 
elements) can be generated. It is equivalent to the alphabet of any 
natural language (for example, a, b, c, d, etc., for the English 
language). The grammar is the set of operations, rules, and 
writing mechanisms that allows (and constrains) the generation 
of spatial features from the cartographic alphabet. In this context, 
spatial features or cartographic elements are the terrain features 
represented on a spatial database or map (for example, the 
outline of a house). In the next paragraphs, a brief description of 
the cartographic alphabet and grammar are given. 
The Ramirez alphabet is composed of four signs: point, line, 
curve, and blank space. Point is the sign that occupies no area 
and has no length. The alphabetic sign point is different from the 
cartographic point which occupies an area (for example, the 
cartographic point representing an individual tree). As a matter 
of fact, the alphabetic sign point is the skeletal representation of 
cartographic points. It carries positional and representational 
information. The alphabetic sign line has length but occupies no 
area. It joins two points on the plane or in the space (the shortest 
distance). It is different from the cartographic line, which has 
length and occupies an area (for example, the cartographic line 
representing a street in a map). The alphabetic sign line is part of 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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